

Favoreats LLC

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dadcando.com - Doing: Party invitations, Big Kitchen Science experiments, reward charts, book recomendations, games and Plop Trumps

  • minutes
  • Serves


1 serving

dadcando.com - doing: party invitations

1 serving

if you want to see dadcando's exciting website full of crafts and making things with

1 serving

rewards and star charts

1 serving

microcards - fruit

1 serving

jam making labels

1 serving

daze card game

1 serving

lined and graph papers

1 serving

party invitations

1 serving

big kitchen science

1 serving

colour and draw

1 serving

dinosaur egg fossil

1 bottle

jellyfishguy's cap beetle

1 serving

cola tiffany lamp

1 serving

pyo jam making labels

1 serving

wonderful witty poems great

1 serving

daze card game

1 can

great card game you play it

1 serving

rules and game play

1 serving

when all the exchanges have been done you are ready to start playing daze

1 serving

playing the game


here i have taken the first turn and laid a to start the game off and picked up a 5 from the deck


higher to complete their go

1 serving

having your children's friends round

1 serving

maybe it's just time to put your feet up and relax together

1 pt

you have javascri disabled and this means that the dadcando website cannot function correctly

1 serving

get flash

1 serving


1 serving


1 serving


1 serving

i've forgotten my password

1 serving

join here

1 serving

why should i

1 can

staying in

1 serving

rosettes and certificates

1 serving

doing stuff together

1 serving

deeds voucher booklet

1 serving

entering our competition

1 serving

microcards - creepy crawlies

1 serving

microcards - standard

1 serving

plop trumps

1 serving

junior yahtzee

1 serving

micro treasure trove

1 serving

kids parties

1 serving

batman spotlight

1 serving

cautionary tales


1 serving

now deal four cards face up

1 serving



placing a on the discard pile clears the pile

1 serving

laying more than one card at a time

1 can

if you want

1 serving

when you have no more cards in your hand

1 serving

the person that gets rid of all their face down cards first is the winner

1 serving



1 serving


1 serving


1 serving


1 serving


1 serving

playing & doing stuff

1 serving

research has shown that degree and quality of playtime a child has

1 C

© barnardo 2007