1 serving
this party just would not have worked on a rainy day. even a cloudy day would have been a disappointment. sunshine was indeed
1 sheets
crocodile creek... created from tarpaulins and occupied by "phillip" the awesome giant stuffed croc i found on trademe
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the food and drink
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there was popcorn and chippies and pikelets and cocktail sausies and fruit to be eaten
1 piece
i created the labels myself and stuck them on bottles of ole homebrand lemonade and gingerbeer at 0.90c a
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the old party games are always the best
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musical statues... turned into dancing around the fire to a drumbeat
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peter pan party how to's
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printable peter pan party invitation
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the day started out
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then the showers cleared
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the cast
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the setting
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we created neverland in our backyard
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pirate punch: "just one sip and you'll be hooked"
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fairy fizz: "just add happy thoughts and you'll fly away"
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printables will be coming soon
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the games
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in the end hook was defeated by a very proud little mermaid. hehe
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map of neverland
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the birthday boy loved it
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take-home gifts
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finally after a treasure hunt
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like i said
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how to make glow-in-the-dark lanterns
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how to make an indian feather headdress
1 serving
printable labels
1 serving
get the invitation personalised on my etsy shop