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How to Enjoy Homeschooling… (just because we can!)

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i'm beet right now

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mom reading aloud while we ate popcorn on the back porch

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spelling lesson. they'll forget a lot of the details you're stressed right this very minute

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but they won't forget the wonderful

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they won't forget the way they felt

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how to enjoy homeschooling... - read-aloud revival

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← our favorite picture books

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how to enjoy homeschooling…


by sarah mackenzie | jul 24

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in my earliest days of homeschooling

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kids who don't squabble

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kids who love learning

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days that run smoothly

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then we actually started homeschooling. and it just never looked quite like that initial vision

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i'm not totally sure why i thought we could always be right up in each other's business without going crazy. but somehow i overlooked the possibility that maybe i wouldn't always enjoy this lifestyle

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in fact


twenty years down the road

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do my kids feel liked by me? would they say that i love being around them

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the day we went bowling when we were supposed to be doing math

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the afternoon we spent at the nature preserve

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that time mom surprised us

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the movie marathon

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not one of them mentioned curriculum. not one of them mentioned academic lessons. in fact

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they all remembered

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our relationships matter more than the books read

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enough is enough

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what we need is a just because we day

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look at the next three months on your calendar. choose any one day that school is on the docket. cross it out

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see? wasn't that easy

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now look at the following three months. choose one more. and then the next three months. choose one more


congratulations! you've scheduled jbwc days into your school year

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this is how it works

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they'll know that you chose them over the to-do list


i would bet that years from now

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homeschooling is relationships

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p.s. if you're homeschooling kids and under

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