

Favoreats LLC

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100+ Screen Free Activities for Kids

  • minutes
  • Serves


1 serving

play a card game

1 serving

collect and press leaves

1 serving

play a board game

1 serving

learn how to make a simple meal

1 serving

learn how to braid hair

1 serving

color in a dover coloring book

1 ball

have a snow fight

1 serving

plant some seeds and care

1 serving

learn to weed

1 serving

get a fish and care

1 leaves

put and sticks in your water-filled hole.

1 serving

have a water balloon fight

1 serving

play a pretend game

1 serving

sword fight

1 serving

climb a tree

1 serving

visit a farm

1 serving

collect stickers

1 serving

read a book

1 serving

keep a daily journal

1 serving

write to a pen pal

1 serving

draw a picture

1 serving

start a nature journal

1 serving


1 serving

ride a bike

1 serving

go swimming

1 serving

jump on a trampoline

1 serving

ride a skateboard

1 serving

practice shooting hoops

1 serving


1 serving

write a poem

1 serving

learn to do a handstand

1 serving

learn to play solitaire

1 serving

put on a skit

1 serving

make a bible craft

1 stick

make popsicle puppets

1 serving

read a bible story

1 serving

draw a picture of a favorite book character

1 serving

memorize a bible verse

1 serving

collect stamps

1 serving

clean your room

1 serving

make a snowman

1 serving


1 serving

make a city out of blocks

1 serving

put together a floor puzzle

1 serving

visit a waterfall

1 serving

do a challenging dot-to-dot

1 serving

look through an atlas and draw a continent

1 serving

learn to use a pogo stick

1 serving

visit a science museum

1 serving


1 serving

make a sandcastle

1 serving

draw a map of a fantasy world from a book-like narnia

1 serving

learn to crochet

1 serving

visit a retirement home

1 serving

read a book to your parents or

1 serving

do a chore

1 serving

build a dam in a creek. stay

1 serving

decorate a hat

1 serving

make a scrapbook

1 serving

have a playdate

1 serving

collect coins

1 serving

make and paint a birdhouse

1 serving

build a playhouse

1 serving

go to the zoo

1 serving

visit a children's museum

1 serving

dig a hole.

1 serving

fill your hole

1 serving

take a bath

1 serving

look at a magazine

1 serving

jump rope

1 serving

listen to an audio adventure

1 serving

go sledding

1 serving

play hide and seek

1 serving

visit a mountain

1 serving

read a bible story to a younger sibling

1 rack

build a train t and play

1 serving

go to the park

1 serving

write a story

1 serving

build a fort

1 serving


1 serving


1 serving

pretend play

1 serving

have a nerf battle

1 serving

join a soccer team

1 serving


1 serving

play dress-up

1 serving

cook something in your play kitchen

1 serving

take a family day-trip

1 serving


1 serving

put on a puppet play

1 serving

make jewelry

1 serving

decorate a shirt

1 serving

play tag

1 serving

play foosball

1 serving

draw a comic book

1 serving

decorate a walking stick

1 serving

draw on your driveway

1 serving

play in the sprinkler

1 serving

build an igloo

1 serving

visit a creek-look

1 serving

go camping