

Favoreats LLC

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100+ Screen Free Activities for Families

  • minutes
  • Serves


1 can

make a midnight snack and find a lawn under the stars. see if you identify any constellations

1 serving

play a card game together

1 serving

play house

1 serving

learn to cook a new meal as a family

1 serving

national forest

1 serving

make a pie

1 serving

go ice skating

1 serving

create a family thankful tree

1 serving

have a water balloon fight

1 serving

pick your own fruit at a farm

1 serving

play a board game together

1 serving

make a bird house and decorate it

1 serving

visit a farm

1 ball

set up a bocce game outside

1 serving

find a new ice cream shop

1 can

go retro! make a and string telephone. see if you can understand each other

1 ball

throw a foot around

1 serving

make s'mores over a fire pit

1 serving

drive over a long bridge

1 serving

visit a special garden

1 serving

make cookies together

1 serving

have a banana bar

1 serving

play percussion instruments together and have a family jam session

1 serving

decorate sugar cookies

1 serving

play croquet in your yard

1 serving

play a game of pool

1 serving

take a snow day

1 Head

to a sporting event. make it an event by color-coding your clothing

1 serving

a mother/son date

1 serving

decorate a gingerbread house

1 serving

grow a garden together. allow your children to choose some of the vegetables and to help tend them

1 serving

plan and go on a long road trip

1 serving

travel to some native peoples ruins. talk what it must have been like to live in the castle

1 serving

paint pumpkins together

1 piece

write something you like someone in your family on a of paper. put it on a poster. repeat

1 serving

go out

1 serving

try a new kind of food

1 serving

read-aloud as a family. start

1 serving

canoe trip together. be sure all the kids are wearing life vests

1 serving

go camping as a family

1 serving

watch a sunset

1 serving

host a we love our family valentine's day celebration

1 serving

play catch

1 serving

go to the fair and check out the animals

1 serving

visit a zoo

1 serving

feed the ducks

1 serving

have a skit night

1 serving

go bowling

1 lb

go through old family photo a ums together and tell stories

1 serving

toss a frisbee. try frisbee golf it's available in your area

1 serving

visit a waterpark

1 serving

play in the sprinkler

1 serving

have another family over

1 serving

wake up early to witness the sunrise together

1 Head

out on a nature scavenger hunt as a family

1 serving

go hiking

1 serving

volunteer to help another family

1 serving

go to the park

1 serving

listen to an audiobook together

1 serving

hold a lego family fun night

1 serving

visit a fishery

1 serving

build an igloo

1 serving

drive around to look at christmas lights

1 serving

paint rocks and hide them

1 Head

to the beach )

1 serving

go on an amtrak train trip

1 serving

visit a holiday bazaar

1 serving

build a campfire

1 serving

play bingo

1 serving

check out a science museum

1 serving

visit a firestation

1 serving

go swimming

1 serving

turn out the lights and make shadow puppets

1 serving

start a family scrapbook and work on it together

1 serving

go to a fireworks show


play questions

1 serving

visit a theme park

1 serving

go inline skating

1 serving

shoot some hoops

1 serving

visit an aquarium

1 serving


1 serving

go creeking

1 serving

ride bikes together-pull the littles in a trailer

1 serving

science museum

1 serving

catch crawdads

1 serving

fly a kite

1 Head


1 serving

go to the zoo

1 serving

visit a historical site

1 serving

paint a mural in your child's room

1 serving

scooter around your neighborhood

1 serving

make some creative markers

1 serving

play ping pong

1 serving

go to a children's museum

1 serving

visit a bookstore together. give your children a budget to choose their own book

1 serving

go fishing

1 serving

do a bible craft together


that offered $ tickets

1 serving

the route

1 serving

work on a family handprint project

1 serving

play charades