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100+ SUPER Funny Kids Jokes

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these super funny kids jokes are sure to bring a smile and some laughter. here are over hilarious jokes to keep kids laughing

1 serving

i have compiled a long list of what i think are some pretty hilarious clean jokes ) and we all were cracking up. kids laugh at these

1 serving

long list of jokes

1 serving

q: how does a cow do math

1 ball

q: why is a base stadium always cool

1 serving

a: it is full of fans

1 serving

q: what do you call an alligator in a vest

1 serving

q: why did the toilet paper roll down the hill

1 serving

a: to get to the bottom

12 inches

q: why can't your nose be long

1 serving

a: because then it would be a foot

1 serving

a: because it was full of cheetahs

1 serving

a: a pork chop

1 serving

a: a snow bank

1 serving

a: a mushroom

1 serving

q: what did one eye say to the other

1 serving

q: what do you call fake noodles

1 serving

a: im-pasta

1 serving

q: what do you call cheese that is not yours

1 serving

a: nacho cheese

1 serving

q: what does a nosey pepper do

1 serving

a: gets jalapeno your business

1 serving

a: pork chop

1 serving

q: what is the smartest kind of bee

1 serving

a: a spelling bee

1 serving

q: why do bees have sticky hair

1 serving

a: they use a honey comb

1 serving

q: what do you get when you cross an elephant and a potato

1 serving

a: potatoes

1 serving

a: water

1 ball

q: why is a base stadium always cool

1 serving

a: it is full of fans

1 serving

q: what did the man say when he walked into a bar

1 serving

q: what do you call a monkey that loves potato chips

1 serving

q: what did the girl ocean say to the boy ocean when he asked her out on a date

1 serving

a: dinner is on me

1 stick

q: why did the girl throw a of butter

1 serving

a: she wanted to see a butter fly

1 serving

q: what did the finger say to thumb

1 serving

q: what has only one eye

1 serving

a: he wanted to go to high school

1 serving

q: what did the pencil say to the paper

1 serving

q: why was the baby strawberry crying

1 serving

a: because his parents were in a jam

1 serving

q: why did the scarecrow get a big promotion

1 serving

q: what do you call a cow

1 serving

a: beef

1 serving

q: want me to tell you a joke pizza

1 serving

a: in case he got a hole in one

1 oz

q: why did m art sell his chickens

1 serving

q: how many tickles does it take to make an octopus laugh

1 serving

q: why did the banana go to the doctor

1 can

q: what kind of tree fit into your hand

1 serving

a: a palm tree

1 can

q: how you tell that a tree is a dogwood tree

1 serving

a: by its bark

1 serving

a: a gummy bear

1 serving

q: why wouldn't the teacher bring the class to the pumpkin patch

1 serving

a: it was in a seedy part of town

1 serving

q: why didn't the baby skeleton cross the road alone

1 serving

q. what do you call a cow

1 serving

a. ground beef

1 serving

q: what did the buffalo say to his kid when he dropped him off

1 serving

a: bison

1 serving

q: why do seagulls fly over the sea

1 serving

a: because if they flew over the bay they'd be bagels

1 serving

q: what falls in winter but never gets hurt

1 serving

a: the snow

1 serving

q: what do you call a flower that runs on electricity

1 serving

a: a power plant

1 serving

a: because she was a little horse

1 serving

q: why did the cookie go to the nurse

1 serving

a: dinner is on me

1 serving

a: it was the chicken's day off

1 can

q: what do you call a dog that tell time

1 serving

a: a watch dog

1 serving

q: what has a ton of ears but can't hear a thing

1 serving

q: why do the like to eat snails

1 serving

a: because they don't like fast food

1 serving

a: because she's always running away from the ball

1 serving

q: how does a cucumber become a pickle

1 serving

q: what did the dalmatian say after lunch

1 cup

q: why do por ines always win the game

1 serving

ham sandwich walks into a bar and orders a beer. the bartender says

1 box

printable lunch halloween kids jokes

1 serving

food jokes -)

1 serving

easter and thanksgiving jokes make holiday fun

1 can

be sure to read the comments some of the best kid friendly jokes are there! please leave funniest joke! we never get too punny! lol

1 T

free gif tags

1 serving

coloring pages

1 serving

essential oils

1 serving

high contrast

1 serving


1 serving

new? start here

1 serving

skip to my lou

1 serving


1 serving


1 serving


1 serving


1 serving

holiday crafts

1 serving

diy projects

1 serving

kid's activities

1 serving

made by you mondays

1 serving


1 serving


1 serving


1 serving


1 serving

main courses

1 serving

pressure cooker

1 serving

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1 serving


1 serving


1 serving


1 serving

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1 serving


1 serving


1 serving

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1 serving

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1 serving

st patrick's day

1 serving

valentine's day

1 serving

may day

1 serving

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1 serving

mother's day

1 serving

father's day

1 serving

fourth of july

1 serving

grandparents day

1 serving


1 serving


1 serving


1 serving


1 serving

handmade gift ideas

1 serving

teacher appreciation ideas

1 serving


1 serving

gifts to sew

1 serving

sewing projects

1 serving


1 serving


1 serving


1 serving

decorating ideas

1 serving

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1 serving

my family

1 serving


1 serving


1 serving


1 serving


1 serving



published: may 31




1 serving

here they in a printable form

1 serving

download —> printable funny kid jokes

1 serving

q: why did the computer go to the dentist

1 serving

a: it had a tooth

1 serving

q. why did the bicycle fall over

1 serving

a: it was two tired

1 serving


1 serving

q: what do you get when you cross a turtle

1 serving

a: a slowpoke

1 serving

a: an investigator

1 serving

q: what is the witch's favorite school subject

1 serving

a: spelling

1 serving

q: what did one wall say to the other wall

1 serving

a: i'll meet you at the corner

1 serving

q: how do you get a tissue to dance

1 serving

a: you put a little boogie in it

1 serving

q: why did they quit giving tests at the zoo

1 serving

q: why is a bad joke like a pencil

1 serving

a: because it has no point

1 serving

q: what do you call a pig that knows karate

1 serving

q: why are ghosts bad liars

1 can

a: because you see right through them

1 serving

q: what animal needs to wear a wig

1 serving

a: a bald eagle

1 serving

q: where do polar bears keep their money

1 can

q: what room no one enter

1 can

q: what kind of key never unlock a door

1 serving

a: a monkey

1 serving

q: what has four wheels and flies

1 serving

a: a garbage truck

1 serving

q: why do graveyards have a fence around them

1 serving

a: because people are dying to get in

1 serving

q: what did the cheerleader say to the ghost

1 serving

a: show your spirit

1 serving

a: between you and me something smells

1 serving

q: how does the ocean say hello

1 serving

a: it waves

1 serving

q: what do you call a pig that knows karate

1 serving

q: why can't you give elsa a balloon

1 serving

a: because she will let it go

1 serving

q: what do you call an old snowman

1 serving

q: why did santa go to music school

1 serving

a: so he could improve his wrapping skills

1 serving

q: why couldn't the pirate learn the alphabet

1 serving

a: because he was always lost at c

1 serving

a: ouch

1 serving

q: what are the strongest days of the week

1 serving

a: saturday and sunday. every other day is a weekday

1 serving

q: what goes tick-tock and woof-woof

1 serving

a: a watchdog

1 serving

a: a chipmonk

1 serving

a: shore

1 serving

q: why do shoemakers go to heaven

1 serving

a: because they have soles

1 serving

q: what did one plate say to another plate

1 serving

q: why did they bury the battery

1 serving

a: because it was dead

1 serving

q: what time is it when an elephant sits on your fence

1 serving

a: time to get a new fence

1 serving

q: why don't dinosaurs eat clowns

1 serving

a: because they taste funny

1 serving

a: i'm in glove

1 serving

a: a needle

1 serving

updated more funny jokes to tell

1 serving

q: why did the boy bring a ladder to school

1 serving

q: what gets wetter the more it dries

1 serving

a: a towel

1 serving

q: why do bicycles fall over

1 serving

a: they are too tired

1 serving

a: write on

1 serving

a: because he was outstanding in his field

1 serving

a: sorry

1 serving

q: why was the broom late

1 serving

a: it overswept

1 serving

q: why did the golfer wear two pairs of pants

1 pt

a: they ke saying

1 serving

q: what word starts

1 Envelope

1 serving

q: why is spelled

1 serving

a: because you can't see in the

1 serving

a: ten tickles

1 serving

q: why did the kid throw the clock out the window

1 serving

a: he wanted to see time fly

1 serving

a: it wasn't peeling

1 serving

q: what do you call a bear

1 serving

q: why did the skeleton go to the dance alone

1 serving

a: he had no body to go

1 serving

q: why did the students eat their homework

1 envelope

q: what did the stamp say to the

1 serving

a: stick

1 serving

q: what's another name

1 serving

a: wise quacker

1 serving

q: why did the man run around his bed

1 serving

a: to catch up on his sleep

1 serving

a: because his mummy was not there

1 serving

q: what nails do carpenters hate hammering

1 serving

a: fingernails

1 serving

q: what did the traffic say to the car

1 serving

a: don't peek - i'm changing

1 serving

q: why did the teacher put on sunglasses

1 serving

a: because her students were so bright

1 serving

q: how did benjamin franklin feel when he discovered electricity

1 serving

a: shocked

1 serving

q: why couldn't the pony sing in the choir

1 serving

a: because he felt crummy

1 serving

q: how do you keep a bull from charging

1 serving

a: take away its credit card

1 serving

q: what did one plate say to the other

1 serving

q: why did the dinosaur cross the road

1 serving

q: what do you get when you cross a snowman

1 serving

a: frostbite

1 serving

q: what do you call a sleeping bull

1 oz

a: a bulld er

1 can

q: what you catch but not throw

1 serving

a: a

1 serving

q: what has hands but can't clap

1 serving

a: a clock

1 serving

a: a cornfield

1 serving

q: what goes up and down but does not move

1 serving

a: stairs

1 serving

q: why can't cinderella play soccer

1 serving

q: what did one toilet say to the other

1 serving

a: you look a bit flushed

1 serving

q: why did the computer go to the doctor

1 serving

a: it had a virus

1 serving

a: it goes through a jarring experience

1 serving

q: why can't a cheetah play hide and seek

1 serving

a: because he's always spotted

1 serving

a: that hit the spot

1 serving

q: what did one toilet say to the other

1 serving

a: you look flushed

1 serving

a: they have the most points

1 serving

joking around

1 serving

valentine's day kids jokes

1 serving

laugh it up over these christmas jokes and elf jokes

1 serving

knock knock jokes

1 serving

dad jokes - as if kids want to hear more of these! lol

1 serving

laffy taffy jokes are always good. we love laffy taffy


so there you have it over funny jokes




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