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best buy hcg » hcg protocol » hcg diet » modified calorie hcg-like diet


modified calorie hcg-like diet

1 serving

modified hcg-like food plan

1 serving

no sugar

1 c

bread and at the most 2 a day

1 pt

no food from fast food restaurants

1 serving

partially hydrogenated oils

1 can


1 serving

secrets to a breakfast

1 serving

drinking only juice is the same as skipping breakfast

1 serving

skipping breakfast will lead to poor choices at lunch and loss of control over the foods

1 serving

convenience “rules” at breakfast—it's easy to avoid bagels

1 serving

choose foods high in protein

1 serving

what to avoid at breakfast

1 serving

avoid having no breakfast; also avoid only juice


lunch is the meal of the day

1 serving

secrets to a midday meal: keep it & & eat foods served “cold

3 cans

people that work inside a building all day eat two meals in a single day without gaining weight

1 serving

foods served cold” are low in calories & have easy control

1 serving

eating a lunch guarantees that there will be only one meal eaten

1 serving

sandwiches and wraps make great choices. they have easy

1 pieces

leftovers from the previous night's dinner

1 serving

the lunch menu below presents all of the choices


dinner is the big meal of the day: the family eats together

1 serving

secrets to a dinner: the meal

1 serving

dinner should be the big meal of the day; it's time to relax and eat

1 T

what no to do at dinner

1 piece

fruit results in eating less total calories during the day

1 can

extra energy and nutrients. snacking fits our busy lifestyles

1 serving

they provide protein

1 bags

both convenience and cravings “rule.” seek 100-calorie snack of cookies

1 serving

diet buddies: a weight loss plan

1 serving

by dr. richard lipman


posted sep 24

1 serving

using bmi to determine if your teen is normal

1 serving


1 serving

normal weight

1 serving


1 serving


1 serving


1 serving

click here


at school

1 serving


1 serving

almost unlimited

1 T

fas foods

1 serving

be careful

1 serving

snacks prevent hunger and feelings of deprivation

1 serving

secrets to snacks

1 can

they satisfy cravings

1 serving

what snacks to avoid



1 serving

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1 serving

dr. richard lipman

1 serving

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