

Favoreats LLC

GET — On the App Store


A Visit From Rapunzel

  • minutes
  • Serves




1 serving

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1 serving

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1 serving

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1 serving

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1 serving

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type="color" default

1 serving

type="color" default="#c94093

1 serving

type="color" default="#c94093


type="color" default="#9d


type="color" default="#9d

type="color" default

type="color" default

type="color" default


type="color" default="#9d

1 serving

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type="color" default="#9d

1 serving

type="color" default="#c94093

type="color" default


type="color" default="#9d


type="color" default="#9d

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4 cs

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type="color" default

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1 serving

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1 serving

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1 serving

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1 serving

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1 serving

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1 serving

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1 serving

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1 serving


1 serving

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1 serving

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1 serving

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1 serving

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1 serving

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1 serving

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1 serving

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1 serving

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1 serving

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1 serving

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1 serving

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1 serving

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1 serving

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1 serving

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1 serving

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1 serving

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1 serving

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1 serving

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1 serving

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1 serving


1 serving

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1 serving


1 serving

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1 serving

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1 serving

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1 serving

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1 serving

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1 serving

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1 serving

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1 serving

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1 serving

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1 serving

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1 serving

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1 serving

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1 serving

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1 serving

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1 serving

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border-bottom: 1px solid #fefb





1 serving

color: #b3b3b3

1 serving

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1 serving

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1 serving

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1 serving


1 serving



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1 serving

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1 serving

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1 serving

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1 serving

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1 serving

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1 serving

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1 serving

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1 serving

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1 serving

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1 serving

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1 serving

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1 serving

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1 serving

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1 serving


1 serving

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1 serving

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1 serving

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1 serving

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1 serving

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1 serving

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1 serving

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1 serving

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1 serving

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1 serving

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1 serving

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1 serving

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1 serving

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1 serving

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1 serving

color: #b3b3b3

1 serving

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1 serving


1 serving


1 serving

display: block




border-top: 1px solid #fefb


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1 serving

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comment-author a:hover {color


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1 serving

font-style: italic

1 serving


1 serving

color: #b3b3b3


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1 serving

color: #e6e6e6

1 serving

lower section

1 serving

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1 serving

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1 serving

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1 serving

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1 serving

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1 serving

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1 serving

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1 serving

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1 serving

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1 serving

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1 serving

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1 serving

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1 serving

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1 serving

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1 serving

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1 serving

color: #ffffff

1 serving

color: #e6e6e6

1 serving

bottom ads

1 serving

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1 serving

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1 serving


1 serving

color: transparent





1 T

art of css styling

1 serving

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1 serving

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1 serving

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1 serving

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1 serving

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1 serving

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1 serving

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1 serving


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1 serving

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1 serving

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1 serving


1 serving


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1 serving

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1 serving

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1 serving


1 serving

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1 serving


margin: auto; /* auto - to make the template lay in the screen center

1 serving

padding: 0px

1 serving

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1 serving

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1 serving

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1 serving

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1 serving


1 serving


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1 serving


1 serving


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1 serving

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1 serving

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1 serving

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1 serving


1 serving

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1 serving

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1 serving

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1 serving

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1 serving



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1 serving

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1 serving

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1 serving

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1 serving



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1 serving

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1 serving



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1 serving

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1 serving


1 serving

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1 serving

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1 serving

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1 serving

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1 serving



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1 serving

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1 serving

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1 serving

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1 serving

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1 serving


1 serving

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1 serving


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1 serving

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1 serving

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1 serving

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1 serving

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1 serving


1 serving

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1 serving

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1 serving


1 serving

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1 serving

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1 serving


1 serving

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1 serving

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1 serving


1 serving

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1 serving

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1 serving

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1 serving

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1 serving

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1 serving




1 serving

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1 serving

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1 serving

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1 serving



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padding: 5px

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1 serving

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1 serving

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1 serving

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1 serving

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1 serving

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1 serving

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1 serving


1 serving

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1 serving

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1 serving

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1 serving

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1 serving

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1 serving


1 serving

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1 serving

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1 serving

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1 serving

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1 serving

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1 serving

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1 serving


1 serving

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1 serving

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1 serving

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1 serving


1 serving

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1 serving

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1 serving

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1 serving



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1 serving

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1 serving

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1 serving

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1 serving

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1 serving

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1 serving

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1 serving



post h a

1 serving

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1 serving



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1 serving

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1 serving



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1 serving



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1 serving

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1 serving

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1 serving

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1 serving

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1 serving


1 serving

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1 serving


1 serving

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1 serving

fix bug in ie5/win

1 serving

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1 serving

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1 serving


1 serving

overflow: visible

1 serving


1 serving

post-body p a

1 serving

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1 serving


1 serving

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1 serving

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1 serving


1 serving

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1 serving

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1 serving

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1 serving


1 serving

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1 serving

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1 serving

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1 serving


1 serving

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1 serving

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1 serving

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1 serving


1 serving

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1 serving

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1 serving


1 serving

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1 serving

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1 serving

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1 serving

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1 serving


1 serving


1 serving

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1 serving

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1 serving

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1 serving

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1 serving

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1 serving

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1 serving


1 serving

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1 serving

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1 serving

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1 serving


1 serving


1 serving

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1 serving

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1 serving

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1 serving

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1 serving

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1 serving


1 serving


1 serving

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1 serving

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1 serving

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1 serving

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1 serving

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1 serving

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1 serving


1 serving

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1 serving

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1 serving


1 serving

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1 serving

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1 serving


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1 serving


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1 serving


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1 serving

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1 serving

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1 serving


1 serving

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1 serving

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1 serving


1 serving

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1 serving

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1 serving


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1 serving

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1 serving


1 serving


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1 serving


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1 serving


1 serving

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1 serving

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1 serving

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1 serving



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1 serving

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1 serving



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1 serving




1 serving

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1 serving


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1 serving

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1 serving

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1 serving

text-transform: uppercase

1 serving

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1 serving

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1 serving



sidebar ul

1 serving

margin: 0px 0px 0px 0px

1 serving

padding: 0px 0px 0px 0px

1 serving



sidebar li

1 serving

margin: 0px 0px 0px 0px

1 serving

padding: 0px 0px 3px 0px

1 serving



sidebar a

1 serving

text-decoration: none

1 serving



sidebar a:hover

1 serving

text-decoration: none

1 serving


1 serving

sidebar a img {

1 serving

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1 serving

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1 serving


1 serving


1 serving

profile-img {

1 serving

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1 serving

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1 serving


1 serving

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1 serving

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1 serving

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1 serving


1 serving

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1 serving

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1 serving

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1 serving


1 serving

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1 serving

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1 serving

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1 serving

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1 serving


1 link

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1 serving

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1 serving


1 serving


1 serving



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1 serving

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1 serving


1 serving


1 serving

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1 serving

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1 serving

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1 serving

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1 serving

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1 serving

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1 serving


1 serving

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1 serving

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1 serving


1 serving

comment-author {

1 serving

margin: 10px 0px 0px 0px

1 serving

padding: 8px 10px 3px 0px

1 serving

background: #ffffff

1 serving

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1 serving


1 serving

decoration: none;}

1 serving

text-decoration: underline;}

1 serving

text-decoration: none;}

1 serving




1 serving


1 serving

px; padding: 4px 0px 0px 0px;}

1 serving

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1 serving

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1 serving

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1 serving

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1 serving

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1 serving


1 serving

comment-timestamp a {

1 serving

font: normal normal arial

1 serving


1 serving

text-decoration: underline;}

1 serving


1 serving

comments li

1 link

a.comment {


ie0/win doesn't apply padding to inline elements

1 serving

so we hide these two declarations from it

1 serving

padding: 0px 0px 0px 0px

1 serving


1 ml

ht >body a.comment-link {

1 serving


1 serving

padding-left: 0px

1 serving


1 serving

numberingcomments {

1 serving

font: normal normal arial

1 serving


1 serving

margin: 0px 0px 0px 0px

1 serving

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1 serving

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1 serving

font: normal normal arial

1 serving

background: #ffffff

1 serving


1 serving

float: left

1 serving

margin: 0px 0px 0px 0px

1 serving

padding: 0px 0px 20px 0px

1 serving


1 serving

text-align: left


line-height: 8em

1 serving

overflow: hidden; /* fix

1 serving


1 serving

float: left

1 serving

margin: 0px 0px 0px 0px

1 serving

padding: 0px 0px 0px 0px

1 serving


1 serving

text-align: center

1 serving

overflow: hidden; /* fix

1 serving


1 serving


1 serving

lowerbar .widget

1 serving


1 serving

lowerads .widget


lowerbar h {

1 serving

margin: 0px -15px 10px -15px

1 serving

padding: 7px 15px 7px 15px

1 serving

font: normal bold 13px arial

1 serving

text-align: left

1 serving

text-transform: uppercase

1 serving

background: #ffffff

1 serving


1 serving

lowerbar ul {

1 serving

margin: 0px 0px 0px 0px

1 serving

padding: 0px 0px 0px 0px

1 serving


1 serving

lowerbar li {

1 serving

margin: 0px 0px 6px 15px

1 serving

padding: 0px 0px 6px 0px


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1 serving


1 serving

lowerbar a

1 serving

lowerbar a:hover

1 serving

lowerbar a:visited

1 serving


1 serving

display: inline; /* handles ie margin bug

1 serving

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1 serving

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1 serving

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1 serving

padding: 0px 0px 0px 0px

1 serving


1 serving

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1 serving

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1 serving

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1 serving

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1 serving

background: #ffffff

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1 serving



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1 serving

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1 serving

padding: 0px 0px 5px 0px

1 serving

font: normal normal arial

1 serving


1 serving

footer .widget {

1 serving

margin: 0px 0px 0px 0px

1 serving

padding: 0px 20px 20px 20px

1 serving


1 serving

footer p

1 serving

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1 serving

text-decoration: none

1 serving


1 serving

footer a:hover {

1 serving

text-decoration: underline

1 serving


1 serving

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1 serving

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1 serving


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? padding: 0; padding: 0; padding 0.0 {"us"=>{"amount"=>0.0, "unitShort"=>"", "unitLong"=>""}, "metric"=>{"amount"=>0.0, "unitShort"=>"", "unitLong"=>""}}

1 serving

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1 serving

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1 serving


1 serving


1 serving


1 serving

bottomads .widget

1 serving


1 serving

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1 serving

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1 serving

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1 serving


1 serving

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1 serving

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1 serving

font-weight: normal

1 serving

background: transparent

1 serving


1 serving

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1 serving

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1 serving

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1 serving

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1 serving

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1 serving

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1 serving

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1 serving

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1 serving


1 serving

background: transparent

1 serving


1 serving

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1 serving

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1 serving

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1 serving

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1 serving

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1 serving

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1 serving


1 serving

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1 serving


1 serving

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1 serving


1 serving

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1 serving


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? padding: 0 padding: 0 padding 0.0 {"us"=>{"amount"=>0.0, "unitShort"=>"", "unitLong"=>""}, "metric"=>{"amount"=>0.0, "unitShort"=>"", "unitLong"=>""}}

1 serving


1 serving

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1 serving

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1 serving


1 serving

creditright a

1 serving

text-decoration: underline

1 serving


1 serving

end of css styling

1 serving

page structure tweaks

1 serving

body#layout #main

1 serving

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? padding: 0; padding: 0; padding 0.0 {"us"=>{"amount"=>0.0, "unitShort"=>"", "unitLong"=>""}, "metric"=>{"amount"=>0.0, "unitShort"=>"", "unitLong"=>""}}

1 serving


1 1/10

script language="javascript

1 serving


1 serving

labelcloud .label-cloud li

1 serving

labelcloud ul

1 serving

labelcloud a img

1 serving

labelcloud a

1 serving

labelcloud a:hover

1 serving

labelcloud li a

1 serving

labelcloud .label-cloud

1 serving

labelcloud .label-count

1 serving

labelcloud .label-cloud li:before