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8 Reasons Why You're Not Losing Weight

  • minutes
  • Serves


1 serving

you're eating back all the calories you burn

1 can

the takeaway: exercise help you lose when you're really using it to burn extra calories

1 measure

the takeaway: don't just rely on the scale to your weight loss. that number won't really tell you everything you need to know

1 serving

the takeaway: when you have less fat to lose


so here are

1 serving

you're relying on exercise alone to do the trick

1 serving

the other

1 serving

you're not eating as healthfully as you think

1 serving

you're doing the wrong kinds of exercise

1 serving

the takeaway: the best exercise plan emphasizes cardio

1 serving

you're not being consistent enough

1 serving

the takeaway: eat right and exercise as consistently as possible and apply both moderation and control when it comes to indulging

1 serving

you're not measuring the right things

1 serving

you don't need to lose weight

1 serving

you have an underlying issue

1 serving

you're skimping on sleep

1 serving

you don't fit the standard formulas

1 serving

your "cheat days" are cheating you

1 serving

you're battling chronic stress

1 serving

too little carbs