

Favoreats LLC

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1 serving

this is another favorite recipe of mine

1 serving

it does however take up an afternoon to make them up...but worth it in the long run

1 serving

i use rhodes brand texas size dinner rolls

1 serving

texas size

1 1/2 lb


1/2 c


3 cs


1/2 c


1/2 tsp

salt & pepper


sprinkles of garlic salt

3 dashes

tabasco sauce

1 serving

don't worry...it's not hot...it just adds to the flavor


next get out your rolling pin and flour...and your step stool if your only feet tall and can't reach your own kitchen countertop

1 can

then roll them out as flat as you get them... taco tortilla size

2 Tbsps

add of meat mixture to the middle

9 sheets

once you have filled a baking ...9 at a time usually fits on mine


pop into a degree oven and bake

1 serving

cut up hot dogs and cheese

1 serving

bierocks...my version anyway


you need to them out hours before you are going to start

1 serving

mine were thawing slowly

1 serving

they will then look like this

1 serving

which is just how you want them

3 cups

when it's done

1 pinch

see what happens when it doesn't get ed shut all the way? ...egh

1 serving

when they are done

1 serving

my favorite..press n seal

1 serving

as always

1 serving

the way i see it

1 serving

just make sure you label which ones are which


i usually keep in the fridge and the rest in the freezer and keep replenishing the ones i take out of the fridge as i go

1 serving

to reheat from fridge: unwrap