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Home Grown

  • minutes
  • Serves 108


1 serving

dehydrating eggs

1 serving

the last post i wrote on freezing eggs was a big hit. i hope you get as much use out this post on dehydrating eggs

1 stick

you only need three things to make it work. eggs

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pour into the heated pan and scramble

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try to make the nuggets of eggs . they quicker than big hunks of egg

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use a paper towel and wipe out the pan after each batch of eggs


spread each layer across the tray and load them one by one into your dehydrator. i set the temperature

1 serving

have a great weekend


september 17th


on september 17

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i have a confession to make. this is the most easy thing you will ever do. ever. i promise

1 serving

i could have never gotten as a mix by hand


so this is how they look. they are as as rocks. look how they are! if you start

1 lb

this morning when co y was leaving

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no one is reading through the replies so i am going to post this here instead of answering all the emails and repeating myself in the comments

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i hope this helps. see you all next week

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comment on homegrown and enter to win an excalibur dehydrator. giveaway closes at 11:59pm november 13th

1 serving

posted in dehydrator