

Favoreats LLC

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  • minutes
  • Serves


1 serving

explore slow food • slow food usa

1 serving

slow food

1 serving


1 serving

plant a seed

1 serving

slow fish

1 serving

slow meat

1 serving

food and farm policy

1 serving

meatless monday


slow food leader summit


slow fish

1 serving

slow food live

1 serving

clean and fair food

1 serving

we're spending all of september answering a very simple question: what is slow food? we think you might be surprised by the answers. this is slow food

1 serving

the year-round vegetable gardener

1 serving

az - southern arizona

1 serving

ca - east bay

1 serving

ca - napa valley

1 serving

ca - orange county

1 serving

ca - south bay

1 serving

fl - gold and treasure coast

1 serving

ma - boston

1 serving

ma - cape cod

1 serving

nj - northern new jersey

1 serving

oh - case western reserve university

1 serving

le cordon bleu - portland

1 serving

slow food usa chapter

1 T

u - utah/salt lake

1 serving

wa - land and sea

1 serving

wa - whidbey island

1 serving

wi - university of wisconsin-stout

1 serving

slow food

1 serving

explore slow food around the world

1 serving

learn slow food working groups

1 serving

meet the slow food ark of taste

1 serving

round two grantees

slow food usa awards $24

1 serving

the watermelon project

500 lb

slow food is processing 1

1 serving

american vinegar works

1 serving

slow food is a sense of place


food advocacy on capitol hill: slow food usa's covid work and ongoing food issues

1 serving

the piscataqua seed project

1 serving

slow food is saving heirloom seeds

1 serving



1 serving


1 serving


1 serving


1 serving


1 serving


1 serving


1 serving

local chapters

1 serving

leader resources

1 serving

working groups

1 serving

youth network

1 serving

cooks' alliance

1 serving

school gardens

1 serving

slow books

1 serving


1 serving

share your story

1 serving


1 serving

national resilience fund

1 serving

ark of taste

1 serving



terra madre

1 serving

network events

1 serving

submit an event

1 serving


1 serving


1 serving

become a member

1 serving

gift a membership

1 serving

business supporters

1 serving


1 serving

select page

1 serving

join the movement

1 serving

find your chapter

1 serving

become a member


covid response

1 serving

lives matter

1 serving

leader resources

1 T

september 30

1 serving


1 serving

get the newsletter

1 serving


1 serving

first name

1 serving

last name

1 serving

please select

1 Oz

ar ark

1 serving

az - phoenix

1 serving

az - prescott

1 serving

ca - california

1 serving

ca - lake tahoe

1 serving

ca - los angeles

1 serving

ca - mendocino county

1 serving

ca - north valley

1 serving

ca - russian river

1 serving

ca - sacramento

1 serving

ca - san benito bounty

1 serving

ca - san diego urban

1 serving

ca - san francisco

1 serving

ca - santa cruz

1 serving

ca - shasta cascade

1 serving

ca - solano

1 serving

ca - sonoma county north

1 serving

ca - sonoma valley

1 serving

ca - yolo

1 serving

co - boulder

1 serving

co - cu boulder

1 serving

co - denver

1 serving

co - pikes peak

1 serving

co - western slope

1 serving

dc - washington dc

1 serving

fl - first coast

1 serving

fl - glades to coast

1 serving

fl - miami

1 serving

ga - atlanta

1 serving

ga - coastal georgia

1 serving

ga - emory university

1 serving

ga - greater athens

1 serving

ga - south georgia

1 serving

hi - hawaii

1 serving

hi - o'ahu

1 serving

ia - central iowa

1 serving

ia - heartland

1 serving

il - chicago

1 serving

il - springfield

1 serving

in - indianapolis

1 serving

ky - bluegrass louisville

1 serving

la - baton rouge

1 serving

la - new orleans

1 serving

la - north louisiana

1 serving

ma - northeastern university

1 serving

ma - tufts university

1 serving

md - baltimore

1 serving

md - howard county

1 serving

mi - central upper peninsula

1 serving

mi - detroit central city

1 serving

mi - huron valley

1 serving

mi - michigan state university

1 serving

mi - west michigan potawatomi

1 serving

mn - twin cities/minnesota

1 serving

mo - kansas city

1 serving

mo - st. louis

1 serving

nc - asheville

1 serving

nc - charlotte

1 serving

nh - carroll county

1 serving

nh - seacoast

1 serving

nh - university of new hampshire

1 serving

nj - princeton university

1 serving

nj - rutgers university

1 serving

nm - abq

1 serving

nm - santa fe

1 serving

ny - east end

1 serving

ny - hamilton college

1 serving

ny - hofstra university

1 serving

ny - hudson valley

1 serving

ny - metro north

1 serving

ny - new york city

1 serving

ny - new york state

1 serving

ny - north shore

1 serving

ny - saratoga

1 serving

ny - south shore

1 serving

ny - suny schenectady

1 serving

ny - syracuse university

1 serving

ny - vassar college

1 serving

oh - cincinnati

1 serving

oh - cleveland

1 serving

oh - columbus

1 serving

oh - northeast ohio

1 serving


1 serving


1 serving

pa - philadelphia

1 serving

pa - pittsburgh

1 serving

sc - charleston

1 serving

sc - clemson university

1 serving

sc - columbia

1 serving

sc - upstate

1 serving

tn - belmont university

1 serving

tn - memphis

1 serving

tn - middle tennessee

1 serving

tn - tennessee valley

1 serving

tx - austin

1 serving

tx - beaumont

1 serving

tx - dallas fort worth

1 serving

tx - houston

1 serving

va - rva

1 serving

va - university of virginia

1 T

v - university of vermont

1 T

v - vermont

1 serving

wa - greater olympia

1 serving

wa - okanogan

1 serving

wa - seattle

1 serving

wa - southwest washington

1 serving

wa - upper columbia

1 serving

wi - madison

1 serving

wi - marathon county

1 serving

wi - university of wisconsin-madison

1 serving

wy - in the tetons

1 serving

learn the organization's 30-year history

1 serving

read more

1 serving

read more

1 serving

read more

1 serving

written by sara s. blomquist in media portrayals of environmental

1 serving

read more

1 serving

read more