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105 Unique Holidays for Kids – Fun & Wacky Ideas for ALL Year

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parenting tips

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beauty tips

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fitness & healthy lifestyle

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edible slime

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january 19th - popcorn day

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february 6th - eat ice cream


enrichment activity: fairy tale charades game by childhood

1 serving

march 7th - alexander graham bell day

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enrichment activity: paw print flowers by crafty morning

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year-round holiday planner

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the year round holiday planner is jam

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click here to see the complete contents and get yours now to start planning all your holiday fun

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may 1st - mother goose day

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may 13th - frog jumping day

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may 14th - dance like a chicken day

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may 23rd - lucky penny day

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enrichment activity: water balloon yo-yos by owl art

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june 7th - national chocolate ice cream day

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june 17th - eat your vegetables day


enrichment activity: minute yoga routine

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enrichment activity: sandwich cookie moon phase match printable by simply learning kids

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july 24th - ice cream day

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august 3rd - watermelon day

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enrichment activity: & easy photo memory game by betsy's photography

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september 17th - international country music day

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october 4th - taco day

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enrichment activity: mad hatter top hat by diy inspired

1 serving

october 9th - fire prevention day

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october 14th - national dessert day

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october 27th - navy day

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november 4th - king tut day

1 Bag

enrichment activity: paper monkey craft by i heart crafty things

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this is a sponsored conversation written by me on behalf of unilever ice cream. the opinions and text are all mine


cuban sliders - september 29


sweet potato pie - september 28


laundry jug jack-o-lantern - september 26

1 T

next post: avocado crab salad bl sandwich

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edible slime

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hair tourniquet


edible pudding slime - only ingredients

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easy keto no bake cookies


unique holidays

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the soccer mom blog

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easy diy & craft ideas

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holiday fun

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houston events

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saving money

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pregnancy & breastfeeding

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kids activities

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kids activities and crafts

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how to make slime

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all slime recipes

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start a blog

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home » kids activities » unique holidays


october 14


unique holidays

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holiday fun

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sharing is caring

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event. and still others are in existence simply


i chose over of my favorite holidays — the ones that are best suited to enjoy


unique holidays to celebrate

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unusual january holidays

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january 4th - trivia day

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january 8th - bubble bath day

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january 14th - national rubber duckie day

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enrichment activity: rubber duckie stamping from teach preschool

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january 17th - kid inventors day

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january 18th - winnie the pooh day

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january 24th - compliment day

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january 28th - national kazoo day

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enrichment activity: make your own kazoo from buggy & buddy

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january 31st - backwards day

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the soccer mom blog

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fun february holidays

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february 1st - national freedom day

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february 4th - thank your mailman day

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february 11th - make a friend day

1 serving

related reading: how to help when making friends is

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february 17th - random acts of kindness day

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february 20th - love your pet day

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february 22nd - international world thinking day

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february 26th - tell a fairy tale day

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march wacky holidays

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march 3rd - national anthem day

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march 5th - learn what your name means day

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march 14th - national pi day

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enrichment activities: pi day activity collection by what we do all day

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march 15th - absolutely incredible kid day

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march 20th - world storytelling day

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march 22nd - national goof off day

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march 23rd - national puppy day

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march 26th - make up your own holiday day

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awesome april holidays

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april 2nd - international children's book day

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april 10th - national siblings day

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related reading: how to encourage a sibling bond

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april 14th - international moment of laughter day

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april 18th - international juggler's day

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april 20th - lookalike day

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april 25th - world penguin day

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enrichment activity: how do penguins stay dry? science experiment by raising little superheroes

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april 27th - tell a story day

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april 30th - national honesty day

1 ball

odd may holidays

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may 4th - “may the 4th be

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enrichment activity: may the 4th be

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may 10th - clean up your room day

1 Can

related reading: how your kids help organize their own room

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may 11th - eat what you want day

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may 12th - limerick day

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may 24th - scavenger hunt day

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enrichment activity: outdoor scavenger hunt

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may 25th - national tap dance day

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may 31st - world no tobacco day

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off the wall june holidays

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june 1st - say something nice day

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june 5th - world environment day

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june 6th - national yo-yo day

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june 8th - best friends day

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june 14th - monkey around day

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june 21st - international yoga day

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june 26th - forgiveness day

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june 29th - international mud day

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june 30th - meteor watch day

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crazy july celebrations

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july 1st - international joke day


enrichment activity: printable knock-knock jokes by a mom

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july 2nd - world ufo day

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july 10th - teddy bear's picnic day

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july 20th - moon day

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july 26th - uncle and aunt day

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july 30th - international day of friendship day

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amazing august holidays

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august 7th - national lighthouse day


enrichment activity: children's lighthouse books by look we're learning

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august 11th - presidential joke day

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august 14th - national creamsicle day

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august 19th - world photo day

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august 23rd - ride like the wind day

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august 26th - women's equality day

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august 30th - frankenstein day

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silly september celebrations

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september 3rd - skyscraper day

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september 8th - international literacy day

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september 13th - positive thinking day

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september 15th - make a hat day

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september 16th - mayflower day

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september 19th - international talk like a pirate day

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related reading: pirate toys and games

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september 21st - international peace day

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september 22nd - elephant appreciation day

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enrichment activity: build a bridge

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september 28th - national neighbor day

1 ball

odd october holidays

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october 1st - balloons around the world day

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october 5th - world teacher day


enrichment activity: fun & frugal diy teacher appreciation gifts

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october 6th - mad hatter day

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october 7th - world smile day

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october 16th - dictionary day

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not your ordinary november holidays

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november 6th - saxophone day

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november 13th - world kindness day

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november 15th - america recycles day


enrichment activity: recycle broken crayons into lego-inspired crayons by frugal fun boys

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november 17th - take a hike day


related reading: amazing benefits to walking

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november 20th - universal children's day

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november 21st - world hello day

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november 29th dance day

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decidedly different december events

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december 9th - christmas card day

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december 10th - human rights day

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december 14th - international monkey day

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december 15th - bill of rights day

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december 20th - go caroling day

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enrichment activity: christmas carol advent calendar by mama smiles

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december 21st - forefather's day

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december 23rd - festivus

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i'm glad that popsicle brought this special occasion to our attention! what a fun excuse to grab a treat as a family

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recent posts

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stacey aka the soccer mom

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latest posts by stacey aka the soccer mom

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previous post: « 50

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reader interactions

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posts you might like

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ant killer

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how to make slime

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ways to instantly improve your mood

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the best ant killer

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the soccer mom blog

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love the fonts you see? i found some of them here and you too

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