increase the frequency times a day after bottle/breast feeding. to jump start the solids you can nurse one side then do solids
1 serving
add in vegetables ***try one vegi
1 serving
1 serving
vegetables should be introduced before fruits
1 serving
add in green vegetables ***try one vegi
1 serving
add in fruits
1 serving
breakfast: cereal and fruits
1 serving
lunch: vegetables and fruits
1 serving
dinner: cereal
mommy tip! we stopped spending nearly $ a pouch on those already made pouches. i these amazing reusable pouches and let me tell you
1 serving
these suction bowls
1 serving
weeks 2-4
1 tbsp
increased at two separate feedings ) it's more
1 serving
weeks 4-6
1 serving
weeks 6-8
1 serving
& these are wonderful spoons