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Do You Know How To Clean Your Walls

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  • Serves


1 serving

i grew up washing the walls of our home every spring and fall. my kids grew up doing the same

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at the end of this post many amazing readers share their tips and i answer questions

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love the side attachments and how it clamps down tightly and holds in the pads/cloths

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the pads that come

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ammonia great

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it is best if you first move all of the furniture away from the walls in the room that you are cleaning to have full access from ceiling to floor

1 can

swiffer replacement in the floor mop and put the edges

1/4 cup

such as pine-sol

1 serving

print this post

1 serving

dad ever teach you to clean your walls

1 serving

did you know you learn this

1 serving

why would you wash your walls

1 T

it's not difficult at all

1 Sheet

get your wall cleaning cheat to easily follow along

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floor mop

1 T

wha you are probably saying to yourself? has carrie lost her mind? a mop on your wall

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1 can

consider how easily you sweep

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it's really sturdy

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it swivels to allow you to get into tight areas around your ceiling as i will show you

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mr. magic eraser i love

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cleaning cloths these are microfiber

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general cleaning

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take down pictures and have the walls completely bare

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first dust the walls before you clean them

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another idea is to use a sweeper like this

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use as you would the other mop to clean your walls

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1 cup


1 T
