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80+ Funny Jokes For Kids

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himalaya baby care

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coloring pics

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style & beauty care

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food & nutrition

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style & beauty care

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single parenting

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baby eye color calculator

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pregnancy due date calculator

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breast milk calculator

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baby cost calculator

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c-section checklist

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child blood type calculator

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baby name combiner

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best halloween jokes

1 serving

a: he wanted to go to high school


an extrovert flower - who knew

1 serving

q: which flower talks the most


a great joke

1 serving

a: the teacher says spit your gum out


you may have heard this funny kid joke a thousand times but it never really loses its fun factor

1 serving

q: what bow can't be tied

1 serving

a: a rainbow

1 serving

q: why is england the wettest country

1 serving

a: because they take too long to iron


move back

1 serving

a: a pork chop


now the question is who in their right mind would touch a bee to check

1 serving

q: why do bees have sticky hair

1 serving

q: what do you call an alligator in a vest

1 serving

q: how do you make holy water

1 serving

a: boil the hell out of it


does your family like to play cards together? if your kids enjoy a game of cards


have your kids watched the movie ‘how to tame a dragon?' they should enjoy this joke then


optimism is high in this joke


your broom is always late; no wonder your house is so clean

1 serving

q: what part of the car is the laziest

1 serving

a: because it has a lot of dates

1 serving

a: because the bed won't come to you


we hate fake people and fake noodles alike! we much prefer pasta

1 serving

q: what do you call a fake noodle

1 serving

q: what do you get if you cross a cat


please make a note in case you are planning a robbery shortly


we all love to eat some peanut butter and jam sandwich. but this is taking it too far

1 serving

q: why did the girl smear peanut butter on the road

1 serving

a: his horse's name is friday

1 serving

[ read: winter jokes

1 serving

best halloween jokes

1 serving

a. because it goes in one ear and comes out from the other

1 serving

q. where do baby ghosts go during the day

1 serving

q. where does count dracula usually eat his lunch

1 serving

q: what goes around a haunted house and never stops

1 serving

q: what is a ghost's favorite pie

1 serving

a: booberry pie

1 serving

q: where do ghosts buy their food

1 serving

a: at the ghost-ery store

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a: in a blood bank

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[ read: halloween food ideas

1 serving

a. the turkey

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q. why did the police arrest the turkey

1 serving

a. they suspected it of fowl play

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a. plymouth rock

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q. why was the thanksgiving soup expensive


a. because it had carrots

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lara: mom wants you to help us fix thanksgiving day dinner

1 serving

q. why did they let the turkey join the band

1 serving

a. because he had the drumsticks

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q. if fruit comes from a fruit tree

1 serving

a. a poul-tree

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q. if a man wants to eat a turkey on thanksgiving

1 serving

a. the turkey trot

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q. why did the turkey cross the road twice

1 serving

a. to prove he wasn't chicken

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a. no

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q. why was plymouth rock so brave

1 serving

a. in a snow bank

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when asked his job

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q. why was santa's little helper depressed

1 serving

a. because he had low elf-esteem

1 serving

q. what do reindeer hang on their christmas trees

1 serving

a. a mince spy

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q. what do you call a cat in the desert

1 serving

we are sure the list left you in splits! it was a lot of fun to make this list. hope you have a great time sharing them

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halloween celebrations

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getting pregnant

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how to get pregnant

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body care

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pregnancy week by week

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second pregnancy

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giving birth

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post pregnancy

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teddyy changing mats

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choose gentle

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browse names

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play & activities

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fisher price

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health & fitness

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hcg calculator

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period calculator

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ovulation calculator

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child height predictor

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pregnancy weight gain calculator

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child growth percentile calculator

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bmi calculator

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contraction calculator

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immunization scheduler and chart

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online twin pregnancy quiz

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numerology calculator

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nakshatra calculator

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diaper checklist

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बच्चों की कहानिया

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home » kid » play & activities

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chhandita chakravarty written by chhandita chakravarty


july 01

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image: shutterstock

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funny and silly jokes

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funny thanksgiving day jokes

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naughty christmas jokes

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funny and silly jokes


sleep deprivation can make a person do crazy things

1 serving

q: why did the man run around his bed

1 serving

a: because he was trying to catch up on his sleep


a pencil

1 serving

q: which hand is it better to write with

1 serving

a: neither


who created math? he should find a place to hide from all the kids looking to murder him

1 serving

q: why did the math book look so sad

1 serving

a: because it had so many problems

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[ read: knock knock jokes


what is mickey mouse without his beloved pluto? no wonder he can move the heavens and earth to search

1 serving

q: why did mickey mouse take a trip into space

1 serving

a: he wanted to find pluto


if only education was so easy

1 serving

q: why did the boy bring a ladder to school

1 serving

a: tulips

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q: what do you call security guards working outside samsung shops

1 serving

a: guardians of the galaxy


if you are looking

1 serving

q: what is the difference between a school teacher and a train

1 serving

q: what did one wall say to the other wall

1 serving

a: i'll meet you at the corner




wonder what the british people have to say this joke. we have an inkling that they agree

1 serving

a: because the queen has reigned there


poor elephants

1 serving

q: why are elephants so wrinkled

1 serving

q: what do you call a pig that knows karate


1 serving

q: why did the computer go to the doctor

1 serving

a: because it had a virus

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a: because they use honeycombs


alligators are scary

1 serving

a: an investigator


now this joke is

1 serving

q: why can't you give elsa a balloon

1 serving

a: because she will let it go


something is stinking

1 serving

q: what has four wheels and flies

1 serving

a: a garbage truck


use this funny joke

1 serving

q: if april showers bring mayflowers

1 serving

a: pilgrims


another popular funny kids joke that doesn't lose its fun factor

1 serving

q: what goes up and down but does not move

1 serving

a: stairs

1 serving

[ read: funny pranks


are you particularly religious?


poor lee

1 serving

q: what do you call a boy named lee that no one talks to

1 serving

a: lonely


now this is what we call selflessness

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q: what gets wetter the more it dries

1 serving

a: a towel

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q: why couldn't the pirate play cards

1 serving

a: because he was sitting on the deck

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q: why do dragons sleep during the day

1 can

a: so they fight knights

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q: what did cinderella say when her photos did not show up

1 serving

a: someday my prints will come

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q: why was the broom late

1 serving

a: it over swept


come on

1 serving

a: the wheels



1 envelope

q: what did the stamp say to the

1 serving

a: stick


we always knew there was something fishy that belt

1 serving

q: why was the belt arrested

1 serving

a: because it held up some pants


april is always a difficult month; now you know why

1 serving

q: why was everyone so tired on april 1st


a: they had just finished a march of days


this joke is perfect


oh! in a perfect world

1 serving

q: why do you go to bed every night

1 serving

a: an impasta


katty perry will hate us

1 serving

a: kitty perry

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q: why did the robber take a bath before he stole from the bank

1 serving

a: he wanted to make a clean get away


now you can have an orchestra playing in the bathroom to go along

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q: what musical instrument is found in the bathroom

1 serving

a: a tuba toothpaste


the elf school is a place you must visit when you are in the north pole

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q: what do elves learn in school

1 serving

a: the elf-abet


pencils have a thing

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q: where do pencils go

1 serving

a: pencil-vania

1 serving

a: to go


here is a riddle that should get your kids thinking

1 serving

q: a man arrived in a town on friday. he stayed

1 serving

from scary to funny and everything in between

1 serving

q. what does dracula say when he doesn't have news

1 T

a. “i have ba news

1 serving

q. why can't you tell a skeleton a secret

1 serving

q. what did the witch have

1 serving

a. a sandwitch

1 serving

a. dayscare

1 serving

a. at the casketeria

1 serving

q: what do ghosts eat

1 serving

a: spooketi

1 serving

q. what do you call two witches sharing an apartment

1 serving

a. broom-mates

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please be quiet and comb your face

1 serving

a: a fence

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q: what room is useless

1 serving

a: a living room

1 serving

q: what position does a ghost play in soccer

1 serving

a: ghoulie

1 serving

q: where does dracula keep his money

1 serving

q: why are graveyards noisy

1 serving

a: because of all the coffin

1 serving

funny thanksgiving day jokes

1 serving

here is our compilation of the funniest and wittiest thanksgiving jokes

1 serving

q. who is not hungry at thanksgiving

1 serving

q. what kind of music did the pilgrims like

1 serving

q. if the pilgrims were alive today

1 serving

a. their age

1 serving

q. what do you call it when it rains turkeys

1 serving

a. foul weather

1 serving

keith: why? is it broken

1 serving

a. it simply wants to run away

1 serving

q. what's the best dance to do on thanksgiving

1 serving

jacob: which november holiday is dracula's favorite

1 serving

joe: which one

1 serving

jacob: fangs-giving

1 serving

q. should you have your family

1 serving

a. it was a little boulder

1 serving

[ read: thanksgiving celebrations

1 serving

naughty christmas jokes

1 serving

q. where do snowmen keep their money

1 serving

q. what does santa suffer from if he gets stuck in a chimney

1 serving

a. claustrophobia

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q. why does santa have three gardens

1 can

a. so he ‘ho ho ho

1 serving

q. what do elves do after school

1 serving

a. their gnome work

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q. what do monkeys sing at christmas

1 serving

a. jungle bells

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q. who is santa's favorite singer

1 serving

a. elf-is presley

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a. horn-aments

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q. who hides in the bakery at christmas

1 serving

a. sandy claws

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q. what did adam say to his wife on the day before christmas

1 serving

a. it's christmas

1 serving

q. what do you get if you eat christmas decorations

1 serving


1 serving

q. what did the stamp say to the christmas card

1 serving

a. stick

1 serving

q. why don't you ever see father christmas in a hospital

1 serving

a. because he has private elf care

1 serving

[ read: christmas quotes

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motivational and funny exam quotes

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thanksgiving games

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children's day celebrations