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Easy Keto Breakfast Idea (Sandwich On The Go)

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easy keto breakfast idea

1 serving

trying to find fast and easy keto breakfast ideas and recipes is a bit of a challenge at times

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some opt

1 can

even at your desk perhaps you might bring some eggs and bacon to warm up to eat

1 serving

what breakfast sandwiches? is it possible to make a keto breakfast sandwich if bread

1 T

ke o breakfast sandwich


sausage patties


eggs eggs

1 slice

cheese - your choice of cheese

1 serving


1 can

pour the eggs into the pan and sprinkle salt and pepper over the top. if you would like to use other seasonings you add them as well. i used a cajun seasoning blend on mine

1 serving


10 pieces

remove them from the oven and allow them to cool. cut the eggs into

1 serving

sausage patty

1 serving


1 Slice


1 serving


1 serving

now take the edges of the foil and wrap the sandwich up

1 serving

remove the sandwich from the foil and place on a plate

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1 can

place the heated sandwich back into the foil and turn the edges down so you hold the sandwich while you eat it

1 serving

if you are making these before heading out the door in the morning simply wrap the sandwich back up to keep it warm if eating on the go

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tried this recipe

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