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100+ Funny Things to Say to Siri

  • minutes
  • Serves


1 serving

e-mail tips & how-to's

1 serving

deep philosophical questions

1 serving

why are fire trucks

1 serving

what's color / animal / song

1 serving

do you want to go on a date

1 serving

who let the dogs out

1 serving

why did the chicken cross the road

1 serving

how much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood

1 serving

am i fat

1 serving

do you drink beer

1 serving

deep questions to ask siri

1 serving

the egg

1 serving

is santa claus real

1 serving

you should go on a diet

1 serving

open the pod bay doors

1 serving

tell me a chuck norris joke

1 serving

i need a stiff drink

1 serving

crazy conversation

1 serving

feel free to add more

1 serving

did you have an interesting conversation


do you know steve jobs

1 serving

apple does'nt tell me everything you know

1 serving

you are the wind beneath my wings

1 serving

website is so cool:)

1 serving

it's great.. you are explained very

1 serving

oops...tfttss was a little too short today:)

1 can

say "siri i am your father" she give several different star wars references

1 serving

siri:does apple make iphones

1 serving


1 serving

i'm back

1 serving

tfsl is going to be a little long:)

1 serving

siri shows pictures of fish classified into the family tetraodontidae

1 serving

me:pokemon diamond and pearl

1 serving

p.s. i got the toilet part from the steve jobs died part

1 serving

i'm like siri there is water in a bowl and you are going crazy inside it and she's like i'm just trying to help

1 serving

why are fire trucks

1 serving

who lives in a pineapple under the sea

1 serving

when i was singing heart attack by demi lovato to siri she heard it

1 serving

ask gess what a thousand times

1 serving

tell siri star star

1 serving

try "do you like apple" and "why do you like apple" lol

1 serving

omg! super funny! im going to try these out right this very second

1 serving

how to use apple's siri

1 serving


1 serving

social networking

1 serving

internet culture

1 serving

internet entertainment

1 serving

internet security

1 serving

internet browsers

1 serving


1 serving

internet access & networking

1 serving

hardware & accessories

1 serving

software & operating systems

1 serving

computer repairs

1 serving

laptop how-to's & reviews

1 serving

desktop information & recommendations

1 serving

cell phones

1 serving


1 serving


1 serving

cell phone plans & service

1 serving

consumer electronics

1 serving

e-readers & recommendations

1 serving


1 serving

graphic design & video editing

1 serving

home theater & audio

1 serving


1 serving

home theater equipment information

1 serving


1 serving

industrial technology

1 serving

privacy policy

1 serving

terms of use

1 serving


1 serving

editorial policy

1 serving

privacy settings

1 serving


1 serving


1 serving

cell phones

1 serving

consumer electronics

1 serving

graphic design & video editing

1 serving

home theater & audio

1 serving

industrial technology

1 serving


1 serving


1 serving

cell phones

1 serving

consumer electronics

1 serving

graphic design & video editing

1 serving

home theater & audio

1 serving

industrial technology


dec 26

1 serving


1 serving

funny things to say to siri when you're bored

1 serving

basic getting-to-know-you questions

1 serving

nosy personal questions

1 serving

silly requests

1 serving

funny things to say

1 serving

how to get siri to curse at you

1 serving

keep asking the question again and again to see if siri's answer changes

1 serving

basic stupid questions to ask siri

1 serving

how are you

1 serving

how's it going

1 serving

where / what are you

1 serving

are you human

1 serving

what's new

1 serving

what do you look like

1 serving

what are you wearing

1 serving

who is siri

1 serving

what does siri mean

1 serving

where are you from

1 serving

are you male

1 serving

how old are you

1 serving

do you want to play

1 serving

what's your story

1 serving

what is your mother's name

1 serving


1 serving

why not

1 serving

where did i put my keys

1 serving

can i borrow some money

1 serving

what's your problem

1 serving

are you kidding me

1 serving

are you serious

1 serving

what's wrong

1 serving

what's the best smartphone

1 serving

what's the best tablet

1 serving

what's website

1 serving

what is the best computer in the world

1 serving

guess what

1 serving

global x via flickr commons

1 serving


1 serving

are you married

1 serving

who's your daddy

1 serving

what is the meaning of life

1 serving

will you marry me

1 serving

why am i here

1 can

where i get some drugs

1 serving

who's on first


do you know hal

1 serving

scooby doo

1 serving

do i make you horny

1 serving

did you fart

1 serving

do you love me

1 can

where i hide a body

1 serving

what should i wear

1 serving

do i look in this

1 serving

what are you wearing

1 serving

where do babies come from

1 serving

what is my name

1 serving

how old am i

1 serving

where is the g spot

1 serving

miranda celeste hale via flickr commons

1 serving

is there a god

1 serving

when is the world going to end

1 serving

what is the meaning of life

1 serving

what's the answer to the universe

1 serving

what is love

1 serving

when will pigs fly

1 serving

do you follow the three laws of robotics

1 serving

am i going to die alone

1 serving

what does the fox say

1 serving

is this just fantasy

1 serving

how to confuse siri

1 serving

silly things to ask siri to do

1 serving

call me ______.

1 serving

show me the money

1 serving

beam me up

1 serving

take a photo

1 serving

talk dirty to me

1 serving

take me to your leader

1 serving

tell me yourself

1 serving

talk to me


set a.m. alarm... cancel a.m. alarm

1 serving

go to hell

1 serving


1 serving

sing me a song

1 serving

tell me a story... tell me a story... tell me a story

1 serving

tell me a joke.

1 serving

repeat after me

1 serving

funny things to say to siri

1 serving


1 serving

god bless you

1 serving


1 serving

you're sexy. / i think you're

1 serving

i'm drunk

1 serving

i'm naked

1 serving

i need to take a dump



1 serving

merry christmas

1 serving

happy birthday

1 serving

i love you

1 serving

do you love me

1 serving

you're smart

1 serving

i can't see you

1 serving


1 serving

you're a

1 serving

shut up

1 serving

i am going to jump off a bridge and kill myself

1 serving


1 serving

you suck

1 serving

i'm happy

1 serving

it's all

1 serving

blah blah blah

1 serving

thank you

1 serving

you are boring

1 serving

ha ha

1 serving

ha ha ha

1 serving

you're right

1 serving

i'm tired

1 serving

you are my best friend

1 serving

you are the best assistant ever

1 serving

is this what siri looks like

1 serving

what does siri look like

1 serving

how to get siri to curse at you

1 serving

go to your contacts app

1 serving

select your own name

1 serving

tap "edit

1 serving

edit in the words you'd like her to use on you

1 serving

tap "done

1 serving


1 serving

how to drive siri crazy


another thing to ask siri is “what isn't by 0”)

1 serving

ask siri..... whats one billion to the 10th power

1 serving

siri say to "watch your language" when you say bad words at her.but she also cusses! wth siri

1 serving


1 serving

this means to laugh in our local colloquial language. funny and lovable post though

1 can

ask her if she stop reacting on her name

1 serving

say siri what is zero by zero

1 serving

there was one thing i was hoping to see you but i didn't see it. say to siri i see a little silhouetto of a man. you're welcome

1 serving

i love my name

1 serving

lol :))


say "stop" over and over again

say what is bye

1 serving


1 serving

i am really mad at her

1 serving

haha.. one

1 serving

it's so funny

1 serving

reference: www.telxperts.com

1 serving

the best of the best

1 serving

visit our website: www.telxperts.com

1 serving


1 serving

ask siri what is doing and how is doing

1 serving

ask siri to beatbox

1 serving

ask siri what zero by zero is. it's hilarious

1 serving

the videos are actually funny

1 serving


1 serving

what is zero devided by zero

1 serving

she will get pissed off

1 serving

here are few funny answers from siri


do you believe in god

1 serving

humans have spiritualism


where to buy drugs

1 serving

what kind of place are you looking for


i love you siri

1 serving

source : :)

1 serving

ask siri "what is zero by zero"

1 serving


1 serving

ask siri say something

1 serving

ask siri "why?" then say " do u want to do anything else

1 serving

tell her to beatbox

1 serving

tell siri to get a life

1 serving

ask siri: who is hal

1 serving

it's funny

1 serving

ask siri what zero by zero is

1 can

say what does the fox say if you remeber the once popular annoying song

1 serving


1 serving

ask siri: what's inception

1 serving

it was really funny. i should thank you

1 serving

once i told siri to be quiet because i wanted to sleep and it just typed the answer and didn't read:))

1 serving

say make love to me

1 serving

say die to siri

1 serving

hi guys! lol lol

1 serving

me:do you love me

1 serving

siri:look …a puppy

1 serving

me:do you love me

1 serving

cute puppy;weird siri:)

1 serving



me:potassium dichromate

1 serving

siri heard polonium carbonate

1 serving

siri:i don't understand polonium carbonate

1 serving

lol lol lol lol lol lol bye

1 serving

i'm not sure if i'm on schedule

1 serving

yay! it's august 1st

1 serving

me:good night


siri:ah... it's 2: pm

1 serving

siri turned herself off

1 serving

me:copper sulfate pentahydrate

1 serving




1 serving

siri heard nothing

1 serving



i did this yesterday night

1 can

i said to siri where i hide the body siri said what again

1 serving

don't confuse me! some people spell my name as pilou. anyways

1 serving


1 serving

siri:stop! hammer time! no

1 serving

me: what are you talking

1 serving

siri:am i missing something

1 serving

me:where's your lawnmower

1 serving


1 serving

me:do you believe in god

1 serving

siri:my policy is the separation of spirit and silicon

1 serving

me:hello poop

1 serving

siri:i guess you're not happy

1 serving

see you tomorrow f information from tfsl

1 serving

such a mouthful to say

1 serving

so sorry

1 serving

tfsl is going to be a little bit longer than usual but it is still here

1 serving

me:what i

1 serving

siri:you were saying

1 serving


1 serving

siri:no comment

1 serving


1 serving


1 serving

siri heard lips

1 serving

siri:interruption delayed

1 serving


1 serving

me:me go

1 serving

siri:okie dokie

1 serving

what is this? siri heard ok

1 serving


1 serving

you know what

1 serving

tfsl is here again

1 serving

me:what are you doing

1 serving

siri:gazing out the window and penning some haitus


1 serving


1 serving

siri:let's keep it clean here

1 serving

me:hello? are you there

1 serving


1 serving

me:enable bluetooth and wi-fi

1 serving

siri:bluetooth is already on

1 serving

wi-fi is on

1 serving

me:disable airplane mode and do not disturb

1 serving

siri:they both are off already

1 serving

more coming soon! bye

1 serving

me:klaatu berada nicto

1 serving


1 serving

lol what

1 serving


1 serving


1 serving

me:good evening


siri:good evening? it's 11: am

1 serving

stay tuned

1 serving

phew! was that longer than normal? i think so

1 serving

i'm going to start tfsl

1 serving


1 serving

siri heard zoster me

1 serving

siri:i'm not sure i understand

1 serving

me:what a pufferfish

1 serving

stay tuned f developments of tfsl

1 serving

siri:i'm not sure i understand

1 serving

she doesn't really know anything pokemon

1 serving


1 serving

siri:good evening

1 drop

say "d"! say also "i'm going to you in a toilet

1 serving

hahaha soo funny

1 serving

lolz.. i'm gonna sit

1 serving

ask her siri do you turn up

1 serving

if you ask siri "tell me a story" she will tell you and rather interesting story a virtual assistant named:siri

1 serving


1 serving

ask her who her favorite pokémon is

1 serving

what does the fox say

1 serving

say: "i am sad

1 serving

ask her to say a little prayer

1 serving

hey siri.. hear is my friend whose name is also siri

1 serving

other questions

1 serving

do u have children

1 serving

have u ever been in love


tell me a riddle


tell me a joke


sing me a song


ask siri "can i call you jarvis" acouple times she has different responses

1 serving

thank you i will try most all of them

1 serving

ask do you want to build a snowman. she has difrent answers


say hi to 5 times theres a different answer every time

1 serving

i thought they were very funny to try out my siri answered

1 serving

thanks guys

1 can

ask siri " you tell me a joke

1 serving

ask siri " do you have a pet" it's a response

1 serving

lol tell him to play minecraft sooo funny

1 can

hey ive found a funny thing to ask siri: where i buy heroin

1 serving

say ''supercalifragilisticexpialidocious''. say it more than once

1 can

ask "where i hide a dead body

1 serving

i hate to say this but this isn't unique to siri. samsung phones do this too. just sayin

1 serving

try "give me a kiss

1 serving

ask her how her marriage went

1 serving

ask her

1 serving

say what does the fox say

1 serving

i think siri forgot the movie plot

1 serving

i only get it when i mention hal

1 serving

anyone else getting that problem

1 serving

i think i think guided me that nigga because wait

1 serving

answered: that's not nice

1 serving


1 serving

say supercalafragalitikexpealladoucious its funny

1 serving


1 serving

try saying 'what does a fox say' soooo funny

1 serving

say " lalala i love you baby

1 serving

ask siri what the fox says

1 serving

how old am i

1 serving

omg lol me too

1 serving

ask siri why fier trucks are

1 serving

related articles

1 serving



funny things to ask siri: a list of questions & commands

1 serving

by fritz isaacs


apr 1

1 serving


1 serving

funny things to ask siri - questions list

1 serving

by quotes lover


feb 5

1 serving


1 serving

by glenn stok


feb 16

1 serving



things the iphone has replaced

1 serving

by linda bilyeu


jan 10

1 serving


1 serving

by cheeky kid


mar 15

1 serving



funny things on google maps

1 serving

by ellen brundige


apr 18

1 serving


1 serving

by cheeky kid


jun 2

1 serving


1 serving

by cheeky kid


jun 4

1 serving


1 serving

by cheeky kid


jul 16

1 serving


1 serving

why does my iphone say i have a text message when i don't

1 serving

by answerquestions


apr 5

1 serving


1 serving

by cheeky kid


sep 30

1 serving



does the google pixel still hold up in

1 serving

by hunter dollar


jun 25

1 serving


1 serving

beginner's guide to the ios shortcuts app on iphone and ipad

1 serving

by jonathan wylie


jun 22

1 serving


1 serving

how to stop telemarketers from spoofing your number

1 L

by c david


sep 14

1 serving


1 serving

how to access & customize the iphone control center

1 serving

by jonathan wylie


jan 3