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Small yard landscaping ideas

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yard landscaping ideas | cuckoo4design

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yard landscaping ideas

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diy projects· our garden

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yard landscaping ideas

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our yard also has a paver patio

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below is a photo of our yard when we moved in and just started to work on the stairs and upper patio. we also didn't have a fence yet

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the stock tank pool is now on the left side of those stairs and the cat enclosure is on the right side of that hill

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the rock stairs are lined

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designating different areas in your yard landscaping

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creating different designated areas within your garden just like rooms in your home is one of my favorite ways to landscape any yard

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the rock wall and the fact that it is nestled within the hill also gives it a c y and intimate feeling

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adding different colored and textured plants and rocks

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we live in a climate where it gets really in the winter which make it harder to chose plants but what i mentioned above works really

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if you live in a warmer climate than you have a lot more to choose from

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we have a little herb garden to the right of the pool where the rock stairs are leading up to the rock seating area and wall

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behind the table

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the tunnel leads to the below space on the upper patio at the top of our sloped yard

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previous post: « our new stock tank swimming pool in our sloped yard

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below are also two cellphone photos i took while we were just hanging out one night to show you what the pool looks like at night. we love it

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designate an area

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my pets have always plaid a huge role

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find out here how to build a tunnel like that and here how to build an enclosure)

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i think we were able to fit a lot of special little areas within our tiny

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just need to catch up on some things…

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next post: macrame and fringe hammocks

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