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Peeling Boiled Eggs Like A BOSS

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peeling eggs like a boss

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by texas homesteader

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i first boil the eggs & i strain out the water. i'll allow the eggs to cool completely in a colander. oftentimes i even leave them in the colander in the fridge overnight

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easily peeling eggs

1 serving

the egg then peels super-easily. sometimes the shell is even floating around in the water by itself leaving my egg completely without me touching it again

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wanna see this coolage in action? the proof is in the pudding

1 serving

i will say it helps if your eggs are hardboiled and not boiled. you want a

1 serving

it also helps if you've popped the eggs in the fridge

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paper napkins in a paperless kitchen

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no cooking fat down the drain

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labeling a jar

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cleaning a narrow-neck jar

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keep that broccoli

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sneaking healthy vegetables into their diet

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don't waste onion trimmings

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heat-free way to peel tomatoes

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cleaner vegetable chopping

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baking measurement reminder system

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easily separating cream from milk

1 Bottles

using water in the kitchen

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don't waste it - free vegetable broth

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easier deviled eggs - no mess

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myo taco shells cheap

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expand your muffin tin capacity

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use all of your spray cleaner

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coffee stain cleaning

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repurposing mesh bags

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less mess when measuring honey

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how to tell if your baking powder is still

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spread the love

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← month-long no-sugar challenge: week two

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wordless wednesday: god's garden →

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but this always works beautifully

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easy reminder

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make your slow cooker more efficient

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tame kitchen appliance cords

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save your fingernails when cleaning

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cute windowsill container

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easily opening those stubborn jars

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