

Favoreats LLC

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  • minutes
  • Serves 10


1 serving

ensure water does not pool on the surface of the ramp

1 serving

use gutters on your home to direct water away from the ramp

1 serving

melt ice and snow

2 inches

attach edging at least high so wheelchair wheels don't slide off the ramp

1 serving

build a set of stairs adjacent to the top landing so those not wishing to use the ramp have access to the porch

1 serving

ensure the surface of the ramp is not slippery when wet

1 serving

attach grit tape to the ramp surface to give the user more traction

1 serving

add sand to polyurethane and use it to paint the surface of the ramp

1 serving

rough up concrete

1 leaves

don't locate the ramp under trees where fall onto the ramp and make it slippery when wet

18 inches

attach guard rails to the ramp mounted from the floor of the ramp

1 serving

attach wooden hand rails on both sides of the ramp

12 inches

hand rails should extend at least beyond the ramp on each end