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A Bushel and a Peck of FUN: Young Womens

  • minutes
  • Serves


1 serving

have someone share the picnic sandwich

1 serving

picnic sandwich

1 serving

knife: never have a sharp tongue

1 serving

fork: dig into the scriptures. don't let any golden changes slip you by

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spoon: a spoonful of love should be given daily and sprinkled all week long

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glass: quench your spiritual thirst by attending all church meetings

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plate: gospel-centered spiritual food is what our savior would have us eat

1 TS

compet-an - she is full of ability and is great at prioritizing

1 TS

disobedi-an - this person thinks the rules don't apply to them. she thinks it is cool to break the rules and encourages others to join in the mischief

1 TS

observ-an - she notices what is going on around her. she watches other leaders and learns from them. she keeps her eyes open

1 TS

resili-an - she bounces back easily when things don's go her way. she is easy going and willing to make changes to suit the needs of others

1 T

indec-an - this sassy ant thinks that "if you got it flaunt it". she buys her shirts to and shorts too short. she does not understand who she really is

1 serving

it is called picnic ants

1 serving

invite all the yw to a picnic outside. bring blankets


also play fun team building games. we played rover. you could also throw a frisbee around

1 serving

activity successful. always offer to help

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up: remember to add sparkle/bubble and enthusiasm to your attitude

1 serving

napkin: get absorbed in your callings and seminary

1 serving

picnic ants lesson

1 TS

developing excell-an in leadership. seek out and build up the in yourself and others

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defi-an - she does what she wants

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serv-an - this little gal realizes that to be a true leader

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tal-an - she is willing to share her talents

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inform-an - she is always aware of what is going on

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doesn't like. she often feels that things are beneath her

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complem-an - she is the first one to notice others talents and abilities. she always tells people of the things she hears them. uses honest praise

1 TS

bouy-an - she lifts other up! she is always cheerful and seems to be floating on air. she always has a smile and a kind word

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dilig-an - she works and tries to do all that is expected of her

1 TS

rever-an - this little any has a reverence

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self reli-an - this busy ant has initiative. she tackles things head on and has the confidence in her abilities to accomplish anything


missionary care packages