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The Melting Pot

  • minutes
  • Serves


1 serving

the idea behind this date night is simple.... it's the details that will take some work

1 can

the idea: make your own melting pot restaurant. eating there is very expensive. when recreating at home

1 serving

nice table setting complete

1 balls

oil/broth fondue - dipping foods: meat prepare meats

1 serving

cheese fondue - dipping foods: french/italian bread

1 serving

the details

1 serving

i'm so "fondue" of you...join me this evening

1 serving

you make me melt...join me this evening

1 serving

if your love


fondue pots

1 can

expand depending on your preference. there are so many different recipes. i'll leave that up to you. google it

1 serving

feed each other

1 serving

take turns blindfolding each other while feeding each other... create suspense when possible

1 serving


1 clove

if you have a "fondue night" photo to submit