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Checklist: Essentials for a Family Camping Trip

  • minutes
  • Serves


1 serving

dutch oven | we do a lot of our cooking in a dutch oven

1 serving

cast iron skillet | a cast iron skillet is a great alternative to the griddle pan if you're just needing something . it's also great

1 serving

coal chimney starter | if you'll be cooking

1 can

propane grill | if you want to keep things simple

1 serving

grilling tools | a nice basic set is all you need

1 Sticks

roasting | everybody needs these sticks

1 serving

lighter | forget trying to build your own fire

1 serving

coal briquets

1 serving

propane tanks | you don't want to run out of these. camping trip = ruined

1 serving

firewood bundle | if you're staying at a campground

1 serving
