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My World Race

  • minutes
  • Serves


1 serving

i am ready to be crazy

1 head

where you're kindly fed fish soup

1 serving

a grilled tomato banana and cheese sandwich

1 serving

before even a hint of the sun rise

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to freeze your buns off at morning exercise

1 serving

waking up at 4am to cook our food

1 serving

its like the real deal

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getting clean water

1 serving

i'm ready to be crazy too

1 serving

i am ready to be crazy

1 serving

big thanks to lauren michelle

1 serving

threads of hope bracelets

1 serving

hello hello! i am selling these threads of hope bracelets

1 can

i would be more than happy to meet anybody at the msc so you make a purchase and enjoy these pretty bracelets! just let me know on here - thanks much

1 T

here i have posted below a mus watch 5 minute video from a current world racer. their squad is in neat nepal


i got this great idea from a friend! if i had awesome people donate only $8 dollars

1 serving

i will need a miracle to reach this amount

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buddhism in the simple

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privacy & cookies: this site uses cookies. by continuing to use this website

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cookie policy


my world race | agenda: love

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my world race


agenda: love

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new cost breakdown

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posted by callie in

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march 12

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posted by callie in

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march 12

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training camp takes place

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in the woods of middle-of-nowhere georgia

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where you sleep in tents

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then on a school bus

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then under a tarp

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you go to bed after midnight


only to wake up hours later

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running up and down the hills of georgia

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some of these people are alumni

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people who flew

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to spend the week

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at training camp

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they served us by scrubbing toilets

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praying life/truth into us

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over and over and over again

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their clothes never match

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…i'm pretty sure they've forgotten how

1 serving

they saw greatness in me and pushed me towards it

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they're always either

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a. dancing

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b. laughing or

1 c


1 serving

these people are crazy

1 serving

speaking of prayer

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dear heavenly father

1 serving

usually it started more like

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hey daddy” or

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its me again papa” or

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abba we love you”

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…it's almost like they know this guy

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these people are crazy

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during worship there are people

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some people have their hands in the air

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others have their faces on the ground

1 serving

yikes. these people are crazy

1 serving

these people dream

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shutting down every brothel

1 serving

ending the aids epidemic in swaziland

1 serving

seeing haiti restored

1 serving

finding a loving home

1 serving

they dream these things

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because they're actually living to make them happen

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i'm telling you

1 serving

these people are crazy

1 serving

these people actually believe

1 serving

every word of the bible to be true

1 serving

they believe healings are possible. now. today

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they believe that god breathes and life happens

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they believe we are no longer slaves to sin

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they believe that the power of christ is in us

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they believed in the potential

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they believe and pray the same prayer jesus did

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on earth as it is in heaven

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you know what…

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i've started praying that too

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because i actually really

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on earth as it is in heaven

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absolutely. bring it on

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there's no doubt in my mind

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that those strange kingdom minded people

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who i met this week in the woods of georgia

1 serving

are absolutely crazy

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but what i decided this week is

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the kingdom of god is worth my abandonment

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the stoutonia newspaper article my world race

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posted by callie in

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march 8

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read and be amused ya'll

1 serving

thank you very much )

1 serving

contact me at: fikec@my.uwstout.edu

1 serving

the painted hill & silent auction @ the deal

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posted by callie in

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march 5

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posted by callie in

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march 1

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they are affordable and cute. buy some

1 serving

email me at fikec@my.uwstout.edu if you are interested! thanks

1 serving

posted by callie in

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february 26

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i see and feel the love

1 serving

only $8?! say that's cheap

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posted by callie in

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february 20

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happy wednesday

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if all of us work together

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consider this and have a crazy - awesome day :)

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my fundraising deadlines

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posted by callie in

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february 6

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hello fellow follwers and supporters

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today i talked to my mobilizer from the world race and i now know my fundraising deadlines


$ deposit - due)








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god bless

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vietnam's culture

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posted by callie in

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january 12

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what does their flag look like? here it is

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where is vietnam located on the world map

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communist state


vietnam had been one of the poorest countries in the world in now


in 1993

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vietnam has been applauded

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religions: vietnam stands accused of suppressing political dissent and religious freedom

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hoa hao

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cao dai

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catching up in cambodia

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posted by callie in

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january 9

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where is cambodia located? cambodia is located in the southeastern asia

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interesting fact: cambodia harbors the angkor wat

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anguish is worldwide

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selfish desire generates anguish

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the antidote

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extermination of selfish desire comes through pursuing eight disciplines

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revelation: buddha perceived his teachings as accommodating an example

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most cambodians

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understand the core of

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cambodia's devastating situation: human trafficking

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i cannot wait to go to cambodia because the people of cambodia are thirsty

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