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Intro To Intuitive Eating & How Meal Prep Can Help You Do It

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intro to intuitive eating & how meal prep help you do it

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baked goods

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breakfast meal preps

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college friendly

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freezer friendly

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pot meals

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wraps & sandwiches

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meal prep pro tips

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cooking )

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healthy habits

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kitchen & meal prep essentials

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recipe roundups

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sustainable meal prep

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intro to intuitive eating & how meal prep help you do it

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how meal prep fits in

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intuitive eating is more internal heavy lifting


reject the diet mentality


challenge the food police

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do you know what's amazing challenging the food police? once that voice is gone


honor your feelings without using food

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lot of people tell me they don't know what's healthy

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something changed in me a year and a half after graduating college

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i realized looking according to society's standards didn't really matter. looking “hot” didn't make me a better human. restricting foods didn't make me enjoy my life more

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i stopped wearing so much makeup. i stopped spending $400/month on clothes i didn't wear. and i stopped destroying myself overeating two of pizza

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i started cooking

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when i started cooking

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sometimes your body needs a huge bowl of veggies. sometimes it needs pizza and sushi

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when you free your mind from all the diet bs that's been stuck in your head

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how meal prep fits in

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meal prep is perceived as a very rigid way of eating

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here at workweek lunch

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i believe that meal prep helps you build trust

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a fast dinner when you're just too tired to turn the stove on

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meal prep making your life easier. it's giving yourself one less thing to worry when you already have so many other things to focus on

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also. another misconception meal prep is that you have to prep every meal. nope

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meal prep = money and time freedom

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intuitive eating = freedom from food stress and anxiety

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you're probably not ready to ado all principles of intuitive eating right off the bat

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intuitive eating is less eating whatever you want and more shutting up that part of your brain that freaks out whenever you see a cookie

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no reheat meals

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under minutes

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intuitive eating

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save money

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the wwl team

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january 13

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if you're reading this right now

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when i say “don't work” i mean that they make us unhappy

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does that sound right

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if that resonates

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i wish someone explained to me that learning to love my body and stop punishing myself

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but now

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what's in this post

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my intuitive eating story

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how to start practicing intuitive eating

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if you found this post on intuitive eating helpful

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contrary to popular belief

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i know you're reading that and thinking… wait so i just listen to my body and eat whatever it tells me to

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kind of

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but there aren't any

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there aren't and fast rules. it looks different )




honor your hunger


make peace


respect your fullness


discover the satisfaction factor


respect your body


exercise - feel the difference


honor your health

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i want to point out

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this is your relationship

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my intuitive eating story

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it was the same time when i realized i no longer wanted to pursue a career in the entertainment industry

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i relaxed. and don't think i gave up

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i always ate unhealthy foods. even when dieting. i'm sure you have too

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the shift

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i was actively trying different meals

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it comes down to trust

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intuitive eating is not eating whatever you want it's eating what your body needs and being able to hone in on that wi hout your brain getting in the way to question your decisions

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like upgrading your career

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being a better partner/parent/friend

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starting a business

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i get this question a lot

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being rigid

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are too lazy to cook from scratch

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you could prep three meals in advance

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that's freedom right there. and it goes hand in hand

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both support a positive relationship

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if you disagree

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how to start practicing intuitive eating

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if you found this post on intuitive eating helpful

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leave a comment below

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