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How to Make Butter

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1 serving

how to make butter

1 serving

we do have butter to talk today

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i just thought i'd take this opportunity to remind you of how awesomely strange you are. and to let you know that you're still way cuter than me too… but i have more teeth and less mullet now

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i love you sister. go make some butter

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1 serving

you will most likely recognize this stage of cream. supe silky

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once returned to the bowl


may 12

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dear lauren


this afternoon i found a card that you wrote me on january 1

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here it is

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you open the letter by saying “happy new year!” this seems and appropriate. played

your next sentence gets slightly strange. you write “would you be surprised to know that this card was painted by a kitten?… no!… a very kitten? …no!… 10

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i also found this picture

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1 serving

you'll need a stand mixer fit