

Favoreats LLC

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Mealy Detox

  • minutes
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1 serving

helps you lose weight - lemon juice contains the soluble fiber

1 serving

balances the immune system - lemon water has been shown to stimulate the brain and nerve functions

1 C

lowers stress - vitamin is the first thing in the body that is lowered when your under pressure! drink lemon water to keep those

1 can

prevents kidney stones - drinking lemon water raises citrate levels in the urine which protect against calcium stones in the kidneys

1 serving

buh-bye bloat - lemon water is the.best diuretic which helps get rid of bloating

1 serving

balance ph levels - drinking lemon water reduces your body's overall acidity

1 can

helps a - lemon water bring down a fever and soothe a sore throat

1 C

vit levels up

1 serving

helps prevent pimples

1 lb

helps prevent cancer - some studies have shown that the activity of citrus liminoids

1 serving

gets rid of bad breath