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Kindergarten Lunchboxes Need Kids Jokes

  • minutes
  • Serves


1 serving

bb - what do texas ghosts wear? boots

1 serving

dd - why did the chicken join the band? because he had drumsticks

1 serving

ee - why did the chicken cross the road

1 serving

ff - what day do chickens hate the most? fry-day

1 serving

hh - why do hens lay eggs? because if they dropped them

1 serving

ii - how do you keep from getting icy feet? don't go around brrrrr-foot

1 serving

jj - what fish make the best sandwich? a peanut butter and jellyfish

1 serving

kk - what do kittens like to eat? mice cream

1 serving

ll - what do sea monsters eat

1 serving

no - why did the horse cross the road? to visit his naaaa-bor

1 serving

oo - why kind of ice cream do oreo cows make? chocolate and vanilla swirl

1 serving

pp - what do you get when a pig and chicken bump into each other? ham and eggs

1 serving

rr - what are raisons? sunburt grapes

1 serving

uu - what do you call a sad unicorn? a corn

1 serving

ww - what do you call a worm in a fur coat? a catterpillar

1 ball

yy - what happened when the cat ate a of yarn? it had mittens

1 serving

aa - what do you call an ant in outerspace? an ant-ronaut

1 serving

cc - what do cows listen to? moo-sic

1 cups

gg - what do you call a bug that jumps over ? a glasshopper

1 serving

mm - why didn't the mummy cross the road? he was gutless

1 serving

qq - why don't ducks tell jokes when they fly? because they would quack up

1 serving

ss - why did the slimy smelly sssssnake slither by the stop sign to crosssss the street? to see hissssss skinny stinkin sister

1 serving

tt - what do you get when you cross an elephant

1 serving

vv - what do you call a cute volcano? lava-ble

1 serving

xx - what is the difference between a fox and an ox? the letter f

1 serving

zz - what's and and all over? a sunburned zebra