1 can
you call it an “american flag candle log
1 can
you call it an “american flag log candle
1 serving
decide what size the holes need to be to fit your candles
1 glass
be sure to use tea lights
1 serving
my candles are from nordstrom rack
1 cups
i don't think the tin little are safe enough and pose a fire hazard
1 serving
wear eye protection
1 serving
i wanted a rustic look
1 serving
i made the star stencil
1 serving
i just winged the stars
1 serving
don't forget to include the ends
1 serving
that was the fun part
1 serving
i would probably skip that part next time
1 serving
time to that baby up
1 rib
antique c turned american flag
1 serving
stump turned end table
1 serving
tags: american candle
1 serving
the log obsession continues
1 serving
1 serving
1 serving
sad to tell you that i am officially a log hoarder
1 serving
i can't help it folks
1 serving
they just keep showing up on my front door step
1 serving
almost anyway
1 serving
1 serving
1 serving
i'll just keep using them until i run out of ideas
1 serving
here's the latest…
1 serving
call it fred the sailor
1 serving
either way
1 serving
it's cute…i know
1 serving
1 can
you leave it unpainted if you like…
1 serving
want to make one
1 serving
i'll show you how
1 serving
it's very easy
1 serving
1 serving
1 serving
decide where you want your holes
1 serving
drill your holes
1 1/4 inches
we used a bit
1 serving
my hubby is awesome
1 serving
if you decide to keep it unpainted
1 serving
i also contemplated ingraving our initials in it
1 sheet
if you decide to paint it
1 serving
i used paint
it took coats
1 serving
1 serving
make sure it dries thoroughly
1 serving
1 serving
i held the stencil in place while i gently tapped on the
1 serving
the stars are staggered on the amarican flag
1 serving
1 serving
then i sanded the heck out of it
1 serving
it really finished it off nicely
1 glass
i ended up painting the on the candles because the candles were very
you may also enjoy other related projects such as…
1 serving
see you next time 🙂
1 serving
inspire me monday
1 serving
funky junk interiors
1 serving
monday funday
1 serving
posted may 16