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You Hoo! It’s Little O’l Me

  • minutes
  • Serves 10


1 can

we 't control the world but we can set the tone in our home! we can bring in comfort


proverbs 4: says “guard your heart above all else


thing that warms my heart are stories from days of old. that's why i love decorating

1 oz

this fall my “window back in time” takes a peek at the c y attic of the ingalls cabin. i'd love to share a little snippet of warm and cozy goodness from the little house in the big woods

1 serving

doesn't that just warm your heart

1 serving

the golden harvest home

1 serving

nuts and apples gathered in

1 stalks

corn waiting

1 serving

pumpkins safe in barn and bin

1 serving

the fields are brown

1 serving

god bless your darlin' hearts and y'all come back now ya hear

1 serving

i have some very exciting things i'm working on that i know will make you want to tie on an apron

1 box

i'm excited getting back on my blogging soap to share the joys and importance of creating a home of comfort and delight

1 serving

i'm excited pre the old timey ways through recipes

1 serving

god bless your darlin' heart

1 serving

just so i know y'all are still popping over

1 serving

call me old fashioned

1 serving

american summer at sugar pie farmhouse

1 serving

pre old fashioned goodness

1 serving

old fashioned goodness

1 serving

fall goodness


written by aunt ruthie on november 24th

1 serving

hello dear ones

1 serving

trust in the lord

1 serving

not on your own understanding

1 serving

in all your ways acknowledge him


he shall direct your paths. proverbs 3:5

1 serving

taking care of our home and family emotionally

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i want to share

1 serving

i have a dear friend who recently told me that when i decorate this old armoire

1 serving

often the wind howled outside

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the cheerful joyous season

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the autumn time is come

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1 leaves

when all the are off the boughs

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then mother says

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thanksgiving day is near

1 serving

we must make our thanksgiving pies

1 serving

author unknown

1 serving

oh the lord is to me! and so i thank the lord

1 can

years ago i found these faux pies at different craft fairs! so fun! i don't make pies every day so these are cute to look at in the mean time! you find faux pies on etsy

1 tube

be sure to watch my fall you video f down-home goodness! click here

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1 serving

aunt ruthie

1 serving

you hoo! it's little o'l me


written by aunt ruthie on april 28th

1 serving

i'm excited to share ways to keep our pantries stocked


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1 serving

pretty please

1 serving

do comment below to say “howdy-do!”…

1 serving

stay safe dear ones

1 serving

aunt ruthie

1 serving

hey darlin'! there's more down-home goodness comin' right up here

1 serving

my farmhouse favorites

1 serving

my favorite posts from the past