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Stuffed Bell Peppers - Old Fashioned Favorite

  • minutes
  • Serves 4


1 serving

cut the bell peppers in half lengthwise and remove the membrane and seeds. rinse peppers under water and place on a paper towel

1 serving

you will need to steam the peppers a bit before stuffing and baking them. to steam the peppers place the peppers in a sauce pot and cover

1 1/2 cups

while the peppers steam

1 serving

bring the water to a simmer and cover the pot and steam the peppers

1 serving

remove peppers and rinse under water; set aside on a paper towel to drain and then add the peppers to a baking dish that has been sprayed

1 serving

in a skillet

1 can

add the salt

1 serving

cover the peppers

1 can

to make the tomato gravy

1 serving

pour the sauce over the peppers when