

Favoreats LLC

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Eating Healthy Costs More

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1 serving

eating healthy costs more

1 serving

eating healthy costs more…

1 serving

if you think food is expensive

1 serving

we have bigger homes that have rooms we never live in

1 serving

my parents the only house we lived in


i have talked this before

1 serving

what have we done

1 serving

we have huge tvs


we have new cars when year old cars would do

1 serving

garage sales would suffice

1 serving

we have expensive cable tv instead of being outside more


we have enrolled our kids in activities when 1-2 could have done

1 serving

we have purchased hundreds of toys

1 serving

we take lavish vacations


we upgrade the families phones every months

1 serving

we update our wardrobe just to stay current on the fashions

1 serving

if i wasn't in the fitness world

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maybe my beliefs on this subject stem from my own upbringing


we never own a car in the same decade that we were living in and i think $ was the most we ever paid

1 serving

my mom would get all our clothes used used at garage sales


we traveled a lot

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extracurricular activities until 7th grade

1 serving

starbucks… enough said

1 serving

filed under: kids nutrition