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sun-kissed summer home tour
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it was an oppressively and rather muggy evening… in early july. i was studying in old city jerusalem
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arab market in old city jerusalem by day
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streets in old jerusalem by day
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arab market in old city jerusalem by day
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i put my hand against the wall in front of me to steady myself and touched something etched into the building… a cross and the word nika. i knew that greek word. it meant victory
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we had stumbled onto the via dolorosa… the way of the cross. there we were standing in front of the eighth station of the cross
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we were unknowingly walking the path our savior walked over two thousand years earlier as he carried his instrument of death to calvary
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jesus mee the women of jerusalem
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he jacqueline and jonathan guest bedroom
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softer side of fall home tour
softer side of fall home tour
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pretty and personal home office tour
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i will never forget the first time i saw the tomb
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so it was
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at that moment i knew exactly where i was although i had never been there before
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right there in the midst of the market and the noise and the smells and the heat and the crowds of strange faces was the way of the cross
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because of my early religious background
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at this point