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9 Amazing Stretches to Release Shoulder Pain

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amazing stretches to release shoulder pain | mobility

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amazing stretches to release shoulder pain

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fix achy shoulder pain


seated cat cows | reps

1 serving

this dynamic stretch helps to gently open up the front and the back of the shoulders

1 can

pillow if your hips feel tight. bend your elbows and place your hands behind your head

1 head

inhale to lift your chest and your back into your palms to come into a seated cow position. you should feel a nice stretch through your chest and shoulders

1 lb

exhale to round your spine


shoulder rotations | reps

1 serving

this dynamic stretch increases mobility in the shoulder joint and reduces tightness in the surrounding muscles

1 serving

begin kneeling down on a mat

1 serving

hold the ends of the strap wide

1 lb

exhale to lower the strap behind your back. your arms should stay pretty straight the time. if you need to bend your e ows to take the strap behind you

1 serving

inhale to bring the strap back overhead. then


wall down dog | sec

1 serving

stand facing a wall. bend at the hips and place your hands on the wall a little higher than in line


shoulder pigeon | sec

1 serving

this static stretch relieves tightness in the front of the shoulder and chest


straight jacket | sec

1 serving

this stretch relieves painful tension in the rear delts and upper back

1 serving

begin lying on your belly and prop yourself up on your forearms


cow face arms | sec

1 serving

this static stretch relieves tightness in the front and top of the shoulder and in the triceps

1 head

over shoulder stretch | 30 sec

1 serving

this static stretch relieves tightness along the top of your shoulder


child's pose side stretch | sec

1 serving

this stretch reverses the effects of poor posture by opening up the hips

1 serving

begin in a tabletop position on your hands and knees. take your knees out wide towards the edges of your yoga mat. bring your big toes together to touch

1 head

slowly walk your hands back and lower your hips onto your heels. then


bound bridge | sec

1 serving

this static stretch combats poor posture and shoulder pain by opening up the front of the shoulders

1 tbsp

stay active through the inner thighs and your outer hips and lower abs. hold


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this static stretch opens up the front of the shoulders and the chest

1 ml

walk your feet back until your body comes to an l-shape. press your palms fir y into the wall and slowly lower your chest towards the ground to feel a stretch

1 serving


1 serving


1 serving

towel in your right hand

1 can

walk your hands towards one another and see how close you get to having your hands touch. hold

1 serving


1 head

reach your right arm over your and place your hand on the wall. your arm should be straight

1 serving

gently into the wall

1 serving


1 serving

press your palms into the ground as you exhale and lift your hips up towards the ceiling. then interlace your fingers underneath your body and try to wiggle your shoulder blades towards one another


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