how to stop procrastinating: simple tips to stop being lazy & in overcoming procrastination
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free habit tracker
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free morning checklist
how to stop procrastinating: simple tips to stop being lazy - overcome your procrastination
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she doesn't want to miss an important game
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how to stop procrastinating tip #1: resolve any potential emergency
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how to stop procrastinating tip #2: do a 5- to 10-minute daily review
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how to stop procrastinating tip #3: focus on your mits
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how to stop procrastinating tip #4: eat the frog
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how to stop procrastinating tip #5: use the eisenhower matrix to make decisions
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how to stop procrastinating tip #6: complete tasks immediately
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how to stop procrastinating tip #7: create a habit
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how to stop procrastinating tip #8: build elephant habits
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how to stop procrastinating tip #9: use sprints to work on challenging projects
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how to stop procrastinating tip #10: build the discomfort habit
gradually push yourself out of your comfort zone
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how to stop procrastinating tip #11: remove hidden blocks
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how to stop procrastinating tip #12: bundle rewards
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how to stop procrastinating tip #13: attach all tasks to a goal
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how to stop procrastinating tip #14: create accountability
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how to stop procrastinating tip #1: resolve any potential emergency
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these scenarios can't wait until your next open block of time. instead
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what is the worst-case scenario if i ignore this issue
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what simple actions i take today to resolve this issue
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have that candid conversation
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call back your friend who sounds depressed
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how to stop procrastinating tip #2: do a 5- to 10-minute daily review
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simple way to deal
what are the tasks that will have the biggest impact on my long-term success
the best ways to procrastinate on purpose is to identify the tasks that will have the biggest positive impact on your life and schedule time to work on these before anything else
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how to stop procrastinating tip #3: focus on your mits
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see how this works in the real world
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how to stop procrastinating tip #4: eat the frog
by committing myself to eat the frog first thing in the morning
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how to stop procrastinating tip #5: use the eisenhower matrix to make decisions
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while it's great to imagine a perfect workday where you're able to work on just your mits in isolation
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something burning in the oven
they are simply a complete waste of your time. if you are able to identify and eliminate all of your q tasks
does that mean nothing in q should be a part of your life
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the short answer is no
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get out a of paper and divide it into the four sections previously described
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how to stop procrastinating tip #6: complete tasks immediately
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scheduling the specific action that's need to “process” the message
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rinsing a dish and putting it in the dishwasher after a meal instead of putting it in the sink
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how to stop procrastinating tip #7: create a habit
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the mini-habit conce prevents this scenario because it eliminates that overwhelmed feeling you get when you think a task is too difficult to complete
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want to start writing? set a goal to write one sentence
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want to improve your nutrition? set a goal to eat one mouthful of a salad
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how to stop procrastinating tip #8: build elephant habits
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take any project and chip away at it using elephant habits
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how to stop procrastinating tip #9: use sprints to work on challenging projects
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smart workers know how to overcome procrastination by condensing their efforts into short “sprints” and tracking them
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take a 5-minute break by getting up and walking around
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go back to work
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pomodoro timer lite
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tomato timer
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marinara timer
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how to stop procrastinating tip #10: build the discomfort habit
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morning habits [video]
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habit books
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k shares
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you know what's even more frustrating
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student will procrastinate in school
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professional will procrastinate on a work-related task because it's challenging and requires work
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we all have personal reasons
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let's get to it
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what you will learn
quadrant : urgent and important
quadrant : important but not urgent
quadrant : urgent but not important
quadrant : not important and not urgent
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how to use the eisenhower matrix on how to overcome procrastination
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how to master discomfort
choose an easy task
just do a little
pay attention to your discomfort
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final thoughts on overcoming procrastination
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a family member
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on the other hand
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hearing from a depressed friend in the middle of the night
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but if you're someone who already procrastinates
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how would this potential emergency negatively affect my friends and family
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obligations that i put off to take care of this potential emergency
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if it's not a life-threatening issue and i don't have time to address it today
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the lives of your loved ones
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my suggestion is whenever something comes up
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make an appointment
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open that scary letter from the government and immediately address it
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what appointments and meetings require me to be somewhere at a set time
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are there any emergency emails that need to be immediately addressed
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blocks of time that i've scheduled
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activity that could take longer than expected? how will this change my schedule if it does spill over into another task's time
how does each task relate to my quarterly s.m.a.r goals
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what is the hardest
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now before we go any further…
this is using what's called the rule
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a lack of motivation
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it's to overcome procrastination if you start each day
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my suggestion
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pick from one to three mits that absolutely must be completed by the end of the day. two should relate to an urgent project
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from there
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if you want take massive action in your life
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brian tracy
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tracy's point
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once again
the most motivating experiences is knowing you've already completed the hardest task before 9:00 a.m
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if this strategy was enough to help eisenhower lead hundreds of thousands of people
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the eisenhower matrix prioritizes your tasks by urgency and importance
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completely remove from your life
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here is a graphic that provides an overview of this system
quadrant : urgent and important
finishing a report that's due by the end of the day
quadrant : important but not urgent
q are the “decide when” tasks
quadrant : urgent but not important
passed off to someone who is better qualified to handle them
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making decision making a bit easier using the eisenhower matrix
quadrant : not important and not urgent
q tasks are the “delete it” tasks because they are the activities you should avoid at all costs. in fact
fulfilling obligations that are other people's priorities
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how to use the eisenhower matrix on how to overcome procrastination
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make seven copies of these blank grids that represent each day of the week
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two to think the nature of the task and put it in the appropriate quadrant
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don't worry if at first you find that most of your time is spent in “reaction mode
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whenever you think of something that needs done
on the other hand
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discarding junk mail into a recycling bin right when you receive it
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putting away your clothes after wearing them instead of tossing them on a chair
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returning phone calls immediately whenever you receive a voice mail
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as we've discussed
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you set a goal to exercise
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you tell yourself
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this pattern repeats itself over the next few weeks
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in other words
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want to run more? set a goal to put on your exercise clothes
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want to improve your sales record? set a goal to pick up the phone and call the first lead
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want to improve your grades? set a goal to spend five minutes reviewing your notes
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question: how do you eat an elephant
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answer: one bite at a time
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the idea is that whenever you're faced
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decluttering your home
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organizing your paperwork
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completing a time-consuming homework assignment
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reading a difficult book
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choose a task
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set a timer
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after every four time-blocks
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be focused - focus timer
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focus keeper - time management
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focus to-do: pomodoro timer & to do list
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pomodoro tracker
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experiencing some level of pain is the main reason they fail to change their habits
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how to master discomfort
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if you choose to master discomfort
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if you're nervous being uncomfortable and try to beat your nerves