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simple living
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beating your pillows to a pulp will make your life simpler? maybe a teensy weensy bit
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the cheery news is simplicity is within virtually everyone's grasp. a few attitude adjustments and changes in one's behavior go a long way toward making your complicated life a lot simpler
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here's a question
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i confess i get a kick out of reading “simplicity” books
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take the following example
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now keep this in mind as we switch topics. the reason this subject is on my mind lately is because of an email my mother just sent me
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apparently my brother has a childhood friend whose mother just passed away. very sad
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are you confused yet? i know i am. compared to this woman's shenanigans
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make. good. choices
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that's it
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it's like my editor who wrote the on being a lazy homeschooler. his life is simpler because he chose to raise his kids away from the toxic “socialization” of public schools
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write and tell me what those things are. i'm always interested