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The Best Restorative Yoga Poses to Relieve Stress [Infographic]

  • minutes
  • Serves


1 serving

a bolster lengthwise in front of you. lower onto your knees

1 head

fold your upper body over the length of the support. rest your forearms on the floor along the support

1 serving

half-pigeon eka pada rajakapotasana

1 serving

folded blanket as you extend the left leg back

1 inch

lower lower down to the forearms

1 serving

carefully come up to down dog

1 can

straight out in a t. beginners can keep the block at its lowest height

1 serving

lie on your back

1 serving

legs-up-the-wall pose viparita karani


when ready

1 T

he best restorative yoga poses to relieve stress

1 serving

say goodbye to tension and stress

1 serving

child's pose balasana

1 serving

supported bridge pose setu bandha sarvangazana

1 serving

to come out

1 serving

reclining bound angle pose supta baddha konasana a.k.a. goddess pose


place the arms at degree angles to your torso

1 serving

to exit

1 serving

corpse pose savasana

1 serving

seated on the floor

1 serving

let the arms rest comfortably by your sides