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chanticleer part 2: garden seating | carolyn's shade gardens

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the joy of gardening in the shadows

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« theme gardens part 1: silver

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colorful annuals

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chanticleer part 2: garden seating

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grouping of chairs in the chanticleer garden

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stone armchair evocative of the flintstones near the ruin garden

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stone remote

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the seating on the porch of the chanticleer house is very traditional. it feels as if the rosengarten family is just around the corner

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the plantings around this bench in the entrance garden change through the year. when i visited

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sliding bench in the shade of an elaborate arbor in the tennis court garden

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the seating at chanticleer is often colorful

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it even match the flowers

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whimsical bench in the vegetable garden

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water fountain on the path to the ruin garden

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detail of water fountain

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i feel cooler just looking at these chairs across a sea of shimmering grass below the ruin garden

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overlooking the pond garden is a flagstone terrace covered by an arbor sheltering shady seating-very popular on friday evenings in summer when chanticleer is open late

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pond garden

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side path in the asian woods brings you to this seating area-there is always an elegant arrangement in the vase

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simple benches on the porch of the restroom in the asian woods

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my children loved to watch the water snake out of the stone trough attached to this water fountain near the asian woods

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this photograph and the following five are all of different kinds of seating around the chanticleer house

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wicker chairs near the tea garden reflect the tropical feel

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water fountain in the tea garden

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bench in secluded alcove near the tea garden

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bench in entrance area to tea garden

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if you are thinking of incorporating seating into your garden

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carolyn's shade gardens

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matching sofa

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this secluded bench in minder woods is a work of art

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the view from the rocking chairs-so peaceful

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