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25+ Amazing Decluttering and Minimalist Quotes For A Simpler Life

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following our post organization quotes i wanted to do a round up post

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so read on to check out these simple quotes life in a

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i would rather have extra space and extra time than extra stuff

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discard everything that does not spark joy

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quote by marie kondo

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quote by louise smith

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the more you have the more oc ied you are. the less you have the more free you are

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home hacks

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home hacks

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we may get commissions

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sharing is caring

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amazing decluttering and minimalist quotes that will inspire you to have less

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after all

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we often want to get organized but we are instantly put off by the overwhelmingly amount of things we have to organize

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getting rid of your things and living a more minimalist life is the way to avoid that overwhelm in the first place


decluttering and minimalist quotes

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letting go of physical clutter also declutters mind and soul

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quote by april williams

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it's not a deal if you don't need it

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if your stuff isn't you

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quote by melissa camara wilkins

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use it

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quote by francine jay

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believe to be beautiful

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quote by william morris

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decluttering excuses you are telling yourself

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quote by erica layne

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eliminate instead of organize

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collect moments

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owning less is better than organizing more

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quote by joshua becker

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clutter is the physical manifestation of unmade decisions fueled by procrastination

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quote by christina scalise

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clutter is the enemy of clarity

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quote by julia cameron

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clutter is nothing more than postponed decisions

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quote by barbara hemphill

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all you need is less

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your home is living space

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quote by francine jay

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you never have to throw away that which you never buy

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you don't need more space

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you can't reach

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what we really need is to realize how little we really need

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quote by mother theresa

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the easiest way to organize your stuff is to get rid of most of it

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quote by joshua fields mil urn

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once we give up being attached to the physical possessions

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quote by joshua becker

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organized clutter is still clutter

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clutter isn't just the stuff in your closet

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quote by peter walsh

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