how to invest in yourself: mostly free ways to upgrade your life
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how to invest in yourself: mostly free ways to upgrade your life
learn to cook healthy meals
learn your recipe
ask yourself great questions
learn to cook healthy meals
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improving your cooking skills will save you a lot of time and money over your life. as important
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the four hour chef: the simple path to cooking like a pro
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kettlebell simple & sinister
learn your recipe
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how many books you've read. it comes down to how you choose to live. living a life that's congruent
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goal setting is the process of identifying what you'll spend your time on
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i've developed a lot of my personal philosophy based on the classic book goals by brian tracy. i've also found another classic
ask yourself great questions
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if i had only six months to live
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if my top competitor purchased my business
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great way to find out more yourself is to take personality tests
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it's coming to view learning as an inseparable part of your identity; not just something you do
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great life is one that's filled
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flow/deep work
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but letting bad emotions linger is a choice
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my favorite part of that quote is the phrase
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sheryl sandberg has said that “the most important career choice you'll make is who you marry.” another oft-repeated phrase to which there's a great deal of truth is “your network is your net worth
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everyone should read the classic book how to win friends and influence people by dale carnegie at least once in their lifetime
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great way to build meaningful relationships is by volunteering. if you're looking to meet people locally
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make money
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money making apps
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side hustle ideas
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passive income ideas
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save money
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how to save money on groceries
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how to buy cheap life insurance
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money management
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r.j. weiss
updated march 19
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some included here are from our sponsors. please read our affiliate disclaimer f information
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how do you invest in yourself
below are different ideas to better your future
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but first
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investing resources today to improve the quality of your life in the future
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you invest both of these resources to improve your quality of life
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physical health
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emotional health
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the ultimate investment
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jump to
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investing in your physical health
develop an exercise routine you enjoy
try different types of “diets
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investing in your intelligence
get at goal setting
develop accurate beliefs
take personality tests
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investing in your emotional health
know the emotions you want to experience often
know what truly relaxes and renews you
make a list of ways to control bad emotions
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investing in your character
make a list of character traits you desire
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investing in your relationships
read how to win friends and influence people
attend a conference
find a mentor
write thank you notes
plan a meaningful experience
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investing in your finances
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investing in your career
learn a new skill
invest in a coach
make a “stop doing” list
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closing thoughts: the ultimate way to invest in yourself
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investing in your physical health
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there's no aspect of your life that's not impacted by your physical health
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physical health has incredible benefits. it decreases stress
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not sure where to start? try one of the ideas below
how to cook everything: 2
develop an exercise routine you enjoy
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i exercise a lot more when i enjoy what i'm doing
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i then incorporate strength training and stretching into my routine
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this is what i enjoy; the key is to find an exercise regimen that you enjoy
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sometimes that requires testing out different ideas
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any activity you spend one third of your life doing is important to do right
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but when it comes to sleep
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trying different nighttime rituals
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learning sleep
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tracking your sleep using one of the many sleep tracking apps
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understanding how sleep works and the types of behaviors that affect it empower you to make changes that dramatically impact how you feel during the day
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resource: how to sleep better and fall asleep quicker
try different types of “diets
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there are hundreds of different diets. there's
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some of them have health benefits. some are harmful. and some work
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but after trying a of diets and spending some time studying nutrition
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that should be your goal — to invest a little bit of time
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investing in your intelligence
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intelligence is living your life according to your values
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so how should you go investing in your intelligence
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here are some ideas
get at goal setting
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being a goal setter means being able to identify the right things to focus on — and avoiding the stuff that doesn't really matter
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we all face problems in life. one of the best ways to overcome them is by asking the right questions
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that's because asking questions helps us break our ingrained thinking patterns
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how i make things better
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what conditions do i have to set so that the outcome i seek happens automatically
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what's one thing i do today that i will be grateful
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if i met a genie and he gave me three wishes
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what are the three worst things that could happen
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how i multiply by subtraction
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how i make accomplishing my goal fun
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want more? here are some questions to improve your finances
develop accurate beliefs
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your beliefs drive your actions — whether rational
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think of a belief as a story you tell yourself the way things really are
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work is something i have to put up
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here's one of mine…
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if i just had a bit more money
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i've told myself this story many times in many forms
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the personal development world refers to this as a limiting belief
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in behavior science
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just as you have limiting beliefs
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this was a quote i highlighted from the book the education of millionaires by michael ellsberg
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imagine going through life
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be suspicious of stories
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tell your anti-story
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the invisible scri that guide our lives
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the false narrative we tell ourselves
take personality tests
test i took
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personality test has its own strengths and weaknesses. the goal is to learn more yourself
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ko e index a
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marketing dna test
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strengths finder
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the wisdom of the ennea
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consuming quality content help you in every area of your life
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but too often
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they stop searching
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they stop challenging their existing knowledge
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as a result
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taking an online course that can help you grow in a specific area of your life
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investing in your emotional health
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the key is to identify the emotions that are important to you. then
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here are three ways i've invested in my emotions
know the emotions you want to experience often
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without knowing which emotions you want to experience
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by identifying these emotions
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when it comes to adventure
know what truly relaxes and renews you
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try out different forms of self-care
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come to know the difference between what truly renews you and what's simply a nice way to pass the time
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related reading: how to relax without screens
make a list of ways to control bad emotions
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while we control some emotions
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that's why it's invaluable to create a strategy to stop bad emotions from lingering
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this starts
strategy that works
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investing in your character
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in 1941
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i'm a believer that we're not born
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here are some ideas
make a list of character traits you desire
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if your goal is to be more self-reliable
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investing in your relationships
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the relationships in your life have a correlation
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here are some ideas
read how to win friends and influence people
attend a conference
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sign up
find a mentor
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finding the right mentor be difficult
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here's something you do today: make a list of people who you respect that you'd like to build a relationship with
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send them an email
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during this time
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the goal is to build the relationship over time — not to come right out and ask
write thank you notes
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set aside time to write physical thank-you notes
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not only this flex your gratitude muscle — which has been shown to increase your emotional set point — but it can also help you build meaningful relationships
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i've used this strategy to connect
plan a meaningful experience
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have someone in mind who you want to get to know better
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plan a meaningful experience
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knocking an item off your shared bucket list
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our list of fun things to do without screens has some specific ideas
there are other benefits
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investing in your finances
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how you invest your time and money to improve your financial life
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there are smart ways. and then there are some not so smart ways
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here are four ideas
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saving money has been shown to increase your happiness. so wherever you are on your financial journey
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having a specific saving goal help you stay focused and hold yourself accountable
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investing your money is investing in yourself
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the reward )
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money be a stressful subject — especially in a relationship. this can impact every aspect of your life
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invest time in communicating
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resource: here are six ted talks couples watch to spark meaningful conversations money
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there's a saying i once heard that goes
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science has shown that giving increases happiness
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harvard psychologist/best-selling author of the happiness advantage sean archor has proven that it's not success that leads to happiness but happiness that leads to success
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investing in your career
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relationships determine a lot of the success and fulfillment in your career. so
learn a new skill
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a career skill
invest in a coach
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coach help you in many ways
my mentors always has a coach on his highest-leverage goal. he seeks out the best help he can find
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it should come as no surprise that his success rate
make a “stop doing” list