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No Time to Write? This Template & Process Cut My Writing Time By 50%

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no time to write? this template & process cut my writing time by | meera kothand | email marketing strategist

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ge product ready

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no time to write? this template & process cut my writing time by

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it's more work than a full time job

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add a full time job and a toddler/baby into the equation and you realise you never get any writing done

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if only writing could be simpler.

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let me tell you how a simple writing process and template cut my writing time by

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yes! send me the template so that i cut my writing time in half

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prom of what each section should do to optimize each post

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that worked! now check your email. there's a button that needs some clicking. if you don't click on the button

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we use this field to detect spam bots. if you fill this in

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i'd like to receive the free email course

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this post contains affiliate links

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ever noticed how you're so full of topics in the shower…on a commute…or just having a snack

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he it i'm talking is having a simple audience/reader profile. if you have this nailed down

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jot these questions down and tape these on a sticky note on your work desk. answer them

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what mental block does she have to overcome

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my angle seemed to sway. the writing was choppy. i couldn't figure out the point i was trying to make

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how-to posts. these run your readers step-by-step how to execute a process

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case studies

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influencer round-up. source best articles from influencers on a particular topic

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product creation process

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i know how this seem like a lot of work but one you keep repeating this process

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now it's time to plug your writing into the template

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what if you could go back to the start and change what you did

imagine having 100


see how mary fernandez leads this way in her post: seasoned entrepreneurs give their best beginner advice


i usually write pretty long posts

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go create your graphics. come back to your post a day later and edit

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template is only as as the quality of the of writing

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writing your posts should be enjoyable

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if you're pulling your hair on end trying to get something written every single week

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yes! send me the template so that i cut my writing time in half

1 pts

prom of what each section should do to optimize each post

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that worked! now check your email. there's a button that needs some clicking. if you don't click on the button

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we use this field to detect spam bots. if you fill this in

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i'd like to receive the free email course

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skip to primary navigation

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skip to main content

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skip to primary sidebar

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meera kothand | email marketing strategist

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let's simplify email marketing so that you create a tribe that's addicted to your zone of genius

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art here

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email lists

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blog s art simplified

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convertkit vs mailchimp

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i simplify email marketing so that you create a tribe that's addicted to your zone of genius

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join 15k

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email marketing crash course. let's make email work

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get the first lesson

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what do you need help with

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scroll to see latest posts

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email marketing

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content strategy

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blog strategy

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running a business

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filed under: beginner blogging



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k shares

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blogging is not easy

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especially when you're serious turning your hobby blog into an online business…

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…or you want to make some passive income from it…

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…when you want to put out quality vs ‘me-too'

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it's a never-ending list right

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sound impossible

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email address

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powered by convertkit

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here's where we groan and know we have to get i out of the way but never do

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but when you're infront of the screen

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recording it


earning $

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personal goals does she have

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to get noticed online. to earn some income from her blog. to build her blog into an online business

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what is preventing your ideal reader from achieving the desired change

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lack of time. information overwhelm. shiny object syndrome

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what mistakes is she making and what she do it

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focusing on wrong traffic strategies

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believing she is not an expert. she has nothing of value to contribute

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when you want to write a post

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the biggest mistake i made when i first started blogging was not to have an outline

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i thought it was a hassle

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i was dead wrong

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outlines work. they give structure. they keep you on target


determine what type of post you you are going to write. here are some examples

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see how mariah c does it

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personal story


define the post

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which problem does your post solve

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what do you expect your readers to do after reading your post

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what change does the post give

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what will be your call to action

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what will be your content upgrade

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now that you've given definition to your post


craft a killer headline

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based on the type of post and takeaway

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come up

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the additional headlines be reused


type furiously and don't stop

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choose your hook

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it grabs the reader by the throat and urges them to keep reading


ask your reader a direct question by putting yourself in your reader's shoes

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what if you had hours a day to focus on your business

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if you had access to anybody




an end result

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imagine clicking send and seeing the sales pour in…


share a shocking statistic

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everything in-between the introduction and the body


a horizontal image that's optimized

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content upgrade opt-in form here

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have atleast 5 sub

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exemplify each point

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first paragraph. inspire them and ease their woes. nudge them towards the content upgrade

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second paragraph. show them how amazing the end result be

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third paragraph. end

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run it by the checklist and if you have marly it helps you pick out typos and grammatical errors before you hit publish


i'm often asked how i learnt to write in this way. there are only books i recommend and that i have read. these are: blog to win business: how to enchant readers and woo customers

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how to write seductive web copy: an easy guide to picking up more customers

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powered by convertkit

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keep reading

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how to write your first email sequence