

Favoreats LLC

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I'm done. Just done

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1 serving

i didn't want to get actually get out of the car considering i was wearing a 'rush-out-of-the-house-in-three-seconds' outfit

1 head

i don't know why that top one keeps going sideways but i surrender to the eccentricities of blogger and you'll just have to turn your slightly

1 serving

now my shadow/over-protective story is complete

1 T

that i am no an over-protective mom

1 serving

if you missed my little revelation of insanity yesterday


since i had quite e-mails yesterday asking if i could take a picture of the creepy statue

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oh sure

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since i totally wanted to dispel any possibility that could be even remotely true

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i woke up this morning and grabbed my daughter before she could leave on her bike

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i'm driving you this morning

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she thought i was being nice. she didn't know i was going to take a picture of mr. perv lying in wait by the doorway

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i dropped her off and then circled the parking lot

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so i put the window down and snapped these two shots

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see what i mean

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he's creepy

1 pieces

in a stalking

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as if i ever would be

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now i'm thinking you might think that jenny does not!!! think like a person verging on insanity

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i am so relieved

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