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brennan dunn of double your freelancing says: “an email course is just an autoresponder

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does it have perceived and real value

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exce that you're not at a farmers market. so you've got to give people a way to see people at your stand

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an email course does all of these things. your email course is a taste test. it's not enough to be a full meal

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course creation gurus like melyssa griffin use the same techniques in their webinars before pitching someone to buy a full course


get back time

1 chunks

delivering smaller of valuable content will give you back time to focus on further developing your course content while still nurturing your business

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build your online business like a pro

join 150

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get our course creation book

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learn how to create content

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download now

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thank you! we're prepping your download and will send it to your in in the next 5 minutes

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welcome ecommerce-platform.com visitors

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create your course

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grow your business

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teachable updates

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create your course

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grow your business

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teachable updates

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grow your business

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how to create an email course that converts like crazy

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ashley hockney


apr 17

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we'll walk you through what an email course is

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the million dollar question: why email courses

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see it in action from creators nat eliason and justin mares of pro ming

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of those emails contains a lesson and at the end of the series

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making an impact—email courses can


collect email addresses

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because you're growing your list of the right kind of people quickly

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take a peek at our checklist

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does your target audience really want it

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does it provide a tangible result and gratification

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does it solve a specific problem

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does it establish you as a trustworthy authority figure

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are your benefits communicated through a result-driven headline


establish a relationship and trust

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if you've listened to one of our webinars

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when you create your course

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remember: you don't have to be an expert on every aspect of your topic


generate demand

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it's like giving someone a tasty appetizer at a restaurant. that first impression will show your skill but still leave people wanting even more

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an email course will take time to create

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the anatomy of an email course