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Ulysses S. Grant

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borie's notable achievement was to desegregate the washington navy yard.[325]

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supreme court rulings in the slaughter-house cases and united states v. cruikshank restricted federal enforcement of civil rights.[360]

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his peace policy aimed to replace entrepreneurs as native american agents

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bison were hunted almost to the point of extinction during the latter 1800s; yellowstone national park was the only remaining place in the country where free-roaming herds persisted.[384]

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butterfield was to send coded messages to gould and fisk to secretly alert them of treasury gold sales by boutwell.[434]

corbin and gould ordered grant's personal secretary horace porter $500

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the gold standard and deflation economy remained in effect into the mid-1890s.[473]

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grant's step-grandmother sarah simpson

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all the graduates were mounted on horses during the ceremony.[34]

by comparison of consumer prices


jesse's tannery business was later known as "grant & perkins" in [108]

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rawlins later became grant's aide-de-camp and close friend during the war

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see topographical map

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thirty jewish families were expelled from paducah

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meade had followed halleck's cautious approach to fighting

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senator carl shurz

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republican senator charles sumner thwarted an effort to make an exemption

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grant's vision of reconstruction included federal enforcement of civil rights and acceptance of citizenship without violence and intimidation.[338]

akerman returned over 3

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to placate the south in 1870

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civil rights prosecutions continued but

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grant believed that native americans

the international tribunal awarded the united states $15

there is evidence to suggest in babcock's diary that he was offered 1

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in march 1871

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grant's inner circle


the democrats were in disarray over the tweed ring scandal in new york city.[451]


details revealed of the crédit mobilier bribery scandal


thomas w. ferry

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grant and delano


when congress failed to make the commission's reform rules permanent

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