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5 Essential Pieces of Gear to Get You Comfortably through a Winter Power Outage

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essential pieces of gear to get you comfortably through a winter power outage

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essential pieces of gear to get you comfortably through a winter power outage


around years ago here in new england we had a pretty serious winter ice storm that knocked my power out

1 bag

at night i would sleep in my sleeping and during the day i'd start a fire in my fireplace

1 head

eventually i had to pack it up and to my dad's where he had the internet so i could get some work done


essential pieces of gear that got us comfortably through a winter power outage

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oil lamps

1 can

my favorite types of lighting during a power outage are oil lamps. these be found in most of your big-name hardware stores

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pellet stove & big buddy heater

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rocket stove

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also consider what natural resources you may have available since these will be what will carry you through long-term emergencies


eco snippets » essential pieces of gear to get you comfortably through a winter power outage

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by erich


week without power

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what preps will you rely on when the power goes out

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from that experience i realized i was woefully unprepared

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my wife up the kid and went to her mother's

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i on the other hand

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experience breeds wisdom

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what did i learn from that?

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now fast-forward three years to the present day and we get hit

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the one i ended up buying is a yamaha ef2000is. i actually had it custom built by www.propane-generators.com to allow it to run off of different types of fuels: propane

25 lbs

this is perfect since i have around five propane bottles that will get me through at least

1 can

as a side note

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in other words

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the generator will run my fridge

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given that it is an inverter-type generator it will power my computer without harming any sensitive electrical components

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if i needed more power

1 pinch

in a

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at night

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so if you're not yet

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once your 2-weeks are secure

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bio-waste then gassification is a definite consideration

1 can

so what type of setups do you guys have? any particular preparations you have that get you through power outages? i'd love to hear from your experiences so we all benefit

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posted in urban survival


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