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5 Best TED Talks for Anxiety (Inspirational)

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back by popular demand


they're all pretty short


brave over perfect: a full life beyond anxiety and depression - susie rinehart - tedx boulder

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as the otherwise healthy and strong mother of two struggled

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status is a huge goal-setting mistake. when you don't stay true to your purpose

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she realized that the opposite of joy is not sadness

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the world will not wait while we hesitate and perfect. we must each find our own courage to live our lives to the fullest - what are you waiting for

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an unexplained pain in her shoulder prompted sheva to seek a diagnosis

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studies show that young people are more anxious than those who lived through the great depression

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the internet provides an omnipresent distraction from our real lives

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sheva's message: we don't have all the answers - we're not meant to. discomfort is a necessary part of being alive and the unknown is a fundamental part of the human experience

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i definitely agree. when you step outside of our comfort zone and use your fear as fuel

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own them and they won't own you"

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he suggests sound therapy as a natural remedy


alert/active: hz


deep sleep: up to hz

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lower your heart rate

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reduce blood pressure

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flight response and causes a physiological state of relaxation - reduced blood pressure and heart rate


simple tips to reduce holiday stress


timeless tips to protect your mental health

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natural remedies

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cart empty

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success & personal development

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conquer fear & build confidence

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reduce stress & anxiety

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start & monetize a blog

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self care by 3d success



best ted talks )


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reduce stress & anxiety


best ted talks )

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19 2/25

editor's note: this article was originally published on it has been edited to include more helpful information and downloadable content


more than million people have some form of anxiety

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that there are other people out there who are going through the same thing

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i find that hearing other people's anxiety helps me to cope

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if you're that way too


these speakers has a fascinating

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undergo an emergency surgery


forego the surgery and face certain death within 5 months

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this came as a shock to susie who

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susie realized that she had always done what she was supposed to do and said what she was supposed to say

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but those actions

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chasing external goals

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i was hollowing myself out in the name of reaching external goals”

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regarding her decision to have the surgery

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learning to do less

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after the surgery

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the speech therapist's answer was profound - nothing

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listen more. do less and become more

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she learned to say no to things she thought she had to do so she could do things she loved to do


addicted to the answer - anxiety in the age of information - sheva rajaee tedx ucla

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sheva begins this ted talk

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not from a doctor. from the internet

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obsessively searching

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hour after hour

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by the end of the week her obsessive

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she even began to think of how she would break the dreadful news to her family

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after a “thoughts aren't facts” epiphany

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sheva is now a psychotherapist who helps others give up what she calls the quest

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university of florida study suggests that our insatiable appetite

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we're more distracted

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we're hooked on answers

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we don't -ever- have to be - it's a 24-hour data buffet

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as sheva puts it: more access => more consumption => more anxiety

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it's no accident - there are those out there who capitalize on our fear and profit from our addiction

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the truth is



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jordan raskopoulos has quite the stage presence

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she's a comedian

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which to me

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after all

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that's because she is

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life fright

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jordan says that being on stage is the only time when she's really able to relax. she explains how she suffers from “life fright” instead of stage fright

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this particular type of anxiety is apparently common among stage performers - “shyloud”

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getting a chatty uber driver

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having to converse

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talking on the phone

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showing up to parties too early

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her ted talk really gave me a new perspective on the nuances of anxiety! i don't think i ever realized just how situational it be

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different types of anxiety

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some people have general anxiety. others have social anxiety

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some are surprisingly confident in some situations while suffering from debilitating anxiety in others

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jordan shares how her anxiety causes her to procrastinate - something i think a lot of us identify with

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she also worries that her anxiety causes her to come across as rude and aloof in social situations

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aloof - she just has anxiety

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she just wants to be understood - something we all identify with

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jordan encourages us to notice the unique strengths we have because of our anxieties

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jordan's message: people


anxiety: it's the new adventure - paula mcguire - tedx glasgow

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paula struggled from debilitating social anxiety as a child

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she tried everything - counseling

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none of it worked

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the importance of mindset

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what eventually did work was changing her mindset

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paula's story is such an inspirational example of how “when you change the way you look at things

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wrestling an olympian

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training like an astronaut


trying all commonwealth sports

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completing a triathlon

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re-frame anxiety as adventure

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she learned to embrace her anxiety. she re-framed the way she looked at it and decided to use it to her advantage

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to paula

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she realized that it's ok to be scared. in fact

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you could tell paula was nervous during her talk and to me

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nervous ticks

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don't ever think that adventure is not

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paula's main ted talk


sound therapy

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this is one of the most entertaining ted talks

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jonathan adams approaches anxiety from a scientific perspective

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jonathan notes how brain waves are d in hertz

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music influences brain waves

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relaxation be controlled to some extent by matching the hz of the music to the hz of our brain waves

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brain waves


relaxed/daydreaming: hz


sleep/meditation: hz

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sounds in each of these frequency ranges cause our minds to adjust to the corresponding physical state



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during the ted talk

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sound therapy

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slow your breathing

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relax your muscles


music tuned to other frequencies like hz and 528 hz are also helpful

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i discovered my love )

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since listening to it regularly

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attribution: take lessons

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when we're anxious

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listening to music

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the main takeaway: you are both the producer and experiencer of anxiety and fear. but

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which of these ted talks

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have any of them inspired you to action? let me know in the comments



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