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Aqwal Hazrat imam Hassan (r.a)

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1 serving

intelligent man from arguing his case

1 serving

deep thinking will present the clearest picture of every problem

1 serving


1 serving

aqwal hazrat imam hassan

1 serving

imam hussain sayings

1 serving

man of trust always stays in safety

1 serving

helping others stands

1 serving

charity and alms are the best remedy

1 serving

has to account in the next world

1 serving

this world

1 serving

piety is the best weapon of defense

1 serving

submission to allah's will is the best companion

1 serving

wisdom is the noblest heritage

1 serving

theoretical and practical knowledge are the best signs of

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1 serving

avoid speaking until there is reasonable occasion; those who enter into

1 serving

useless talk

1 serving

avarice is disgrace; cowardice is a defect; poverty often disables an

1 serving

all greatness & magnificence stands

1 serving

adorns none else

1 serving

poor man is a stranger in his own town; misfortune and helplessness

1 serving

are calamities; patience is a kind of bravery

1 serving

to sever attachments

1 serving


1 serving
