1 serving
watch netflix - paper raven books
1 serving
free quiz: which "publishing path" is right
1 serving
free quiz: which "publishing path" is right
1 can
you visualize your own success in writing before you even start writing. you've just never been taught how to do it
1 pt
deep breathing to calm anxiety and allow your mind to acce new ideas
1 serving
an acknowledgent that your performance serves a deeper purpose
1 serving
visual image of you successfully completing your goal: in this case
1 serving
free quiz: which "publishing path" is right
1 serving
free quiz: which "publishing path" is right
1 serving
1 serving
1 serving
1 Can
how we help you
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1 serving
1 serving
1 serving
1 serving
1 Can
how we help you
1 serving
our books
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1 serving
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1 serving
there are four different publishing paths
1 serving
do you know which is right
1 serving
take the quiz
1 serving
it's fast
1 serving
there are four different publishing paths
1 serving
do you know which is right
1 serving
privacy guaranteed
1 serving
what's really going on behind your lack of motivation
1 serving
but there is one way that works remarkably
1 can
visualization help you regain motivation in a matter of minutes
1 can
this is a recording of me
i would bet that if you've spent longer than days trying to figure out how to motivate yourself to write
1 serving
click here to download
1 serving
let me know what you think of the idea of visualization? have you tried anything like this before? what's worked
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1 serving
1 serving
there are four different publishing paths
1 serving
do you know which is right
1 serving
take the quiz
1 serving
it's fast
1 serving
there are four different publishing paths
1 serving
do you know which is right
1 serving
privacy guaranteed