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Valentine Wreath Craft

  • minutes
  • Serves 10


1 serving

vintage porch parts | more

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touch of and pink on your porch is a welcome sight this time of the year

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i wanted to share a valentine wreath craft that was simple and where i could use re-use another wreath

1 strips

using the first fabric - which was pink - i tore 1" wide and 22" long. i didn't measure - just eyeballed it

1 serving

cut your fabric; you might prefer pinking the edges of the fabric

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then i added fabric

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i thought i would add a pink burlap bow

1 box

so i dug into our grandchildren's toy and found this little dog who will sit at the bottom of the wreath when it's hung on the front door

1 serving

my idea is to create seasonal pillow toppers

1 can

that way i use the same pillows year round and just change the toppers

1 drop

the reason i used painters cloth fabric is because our porch gets a lot of sun and i didn't want fading to be an issue

1 serving

they are simple letters to cut out and glue on

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i cut out three hearts that are approximately 13" wide

1 square

then i stitched those hearts onto of and patterned fabric that i already had in my stash


the squares are

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our valentine pillows are simple indeed

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update: i decided to cut two smaller hearts to put on top of the larger hearts and jazz the pillows up a bit

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1 serving

find a local contractor

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designs | decorating | ideas

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screen porches | enclosures | build

1 serving

mobile home porches | build porch roof


season porch | screen porch windows

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valentine wreath craft

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other outdoor valentine decorations

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dave and i have a valentine wreath craft that is easy and you may already have everything you need to make it

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admittedly i have a stash of fabric in my craft room from which to draw upon so i was able to find most everything right there

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will you be putting up outdoor valentine decorations

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are you looking

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then we have several here

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try our valentine wreath craft

1 pt

so i used our wreath from last 4th of july - just took all the decorations off of it exce

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that was my start

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then i looked at my fabric stash to see what reds and pinks i already had

3 pieces

i found quite 3

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mine is kind of rag-like

1 strips

then i just started tying the around the wreath

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no bows

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i did that twice

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i went around the wreath

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so then i started to add in this fabric

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before i knew it

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i think he's perfect

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here's how our wreath looks on our front door

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hope you enjoyed this valentine wreath craft and now here are more ideas

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video: valentine decorating ideas from our porch

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bonus idea #1: valentine pillow toppers

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now we have a couple other ideas

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let's talk the pillow toppers first

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see how we made our valentine pillows

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let's get started

1 drop


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i got this idea from suzy at worthing court - see what she did

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so now it's time to make some pillow toppers

1 can

if you prefer not to sew


i sewed on

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how the toppers are attached to the pillows